Page 75 of Prickly Romance
“He invested millions to create a space for his daughter to learn and produce music. Rather than keep that space to himself, he’s sharing it with the city. For free. Not only that, but there’s this device…” My hands drop when I remember the NDA I signed. “My point is, he might be arrogant, rude, and obnoxious,” I think about the lengths he went to get me to work with him, “but he’s nottoobad underneath it all.”
“You like him,” my sister signs.
“No, I don’t.”
“Why deny it?”
“I’m not denying anything.”
She smirks. “Does he like you too?”
“Drop the ‘too’. And to answer your question, he hates me.”
“Why?” she signs.
“The first time we met, I was playing his super expensive piano without his permission. He thought I lacked ‘honor’ and made it clear what he thought of me.”
“So? First impressions aren’t everything.”
“They are when the second impression is even worse,” I sign.
“Why don’t you give him a chance? Is it because he has a child? Are you afraid of becoming a stepmother?”
“Of course not.” I sit straight up. “I love Niko. She’s the smartest, sweetest, most intelligent little girl I’ve ever met. I’m half-certain that she’s cooler than me.”
Yaya’s eyes sparkle. “I want to meet her.”
I purse my lips. “Not going to happen.”
“You said she was deaf, right?” Yaya wiggles her eyebrows as she signs, “What’s wrong with two deaf girls hanging out and having fun?”
“She’s Sazuki’s daughter.”
“So he’s not going to just… let her hang out with us.”
“It doesn’t hurt to ask.”
I fold my arms over my chest. “No.”
“Are you afraid he’s going to find out you like him if you call him first?” Yaya gestures.
“I don’t like him,” I stress. “This has nothing to do with that.”
“So call,” she insists.
“I can’t just pick up the phone and call him up. He’s my boss.”
She tilts her head, clearly not buying it.
“It’s almost midnight, Yaya. That would be inappropriate.”
“Ask him tomorrow then,” she signs.
I scowl.
Yaya rolls across my body and fishes for my phone.