Page 10 of Bossy Romance
Apologize to whom?
I gulp in air, but the more I inhale, the harder it is to breathe.
Hands reaching for his naked shoulders, I push Jax off and quickly step into my panties.
He gives me a confused expression, his eyes dazed. “What are you doing?”
“I can’t. I’m sorry.” I grab my pants and pull those on too. They’re stretchy yoga pants, although I don’t do yoga at all.
Jax’s lips turn firm. Brown eyes narrowing until he’s squinting at my TV, he grumbles, “Are you not into me?”
“No, I think you’re great, but…” I cover my torso with my hands, trembling.
“They warned me about you,” Jax mutters, shaking his head and laughing bitterly. “They told me you had this weird relationship with one of your inventors.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Harrison.” His eyes lift and he points an accusing gaze on me. “I heard you two are close.”
“Close?” I blink rapidly.
“Are you two screwing?”
My heart drops to my toes. The mere suggestion is… it’s… insane.
“You know what? Forget this? I don’t need this at all.” Jax roughly grabs his shirt, his car keys and his flowers. A short second later, my front door slams shut.
I stare at the place where the flowers had been and then I ease forward, grab the wine he left behind and drink it straight from the bottle. Minutes later, I throw my guts up in the bathroom.As if I needed more proof that liquor and I don’t mix.
When I’m finished, I sink against the toilet. My fingers come up to massage my throat. The noose around my neck is starting to ease, not because anything’s truly changed but because Jax’s words shook something loose from my heart.
I think I might know why I’ve felt so trapped lately.
And I think I might know a way to be free.
“I don’t thinkwe should invite Dejonae and Sazuki on Saturday.” Nova glances up with a panicked expression. We’re both in my lab. I’m eating lunch like a maniac while she’s looking pretty and polished as always as she picks at chips. “I want it to be just us.”
“Just us?” I blink rapidly.
She nods.
“What’s wrong? I thought we liked them?” I mumble, chomping down on turkey slapped between two pieces of wheat toast. Nova insists that wheat is better for me and although I was staunchly against it at first, I’ve come to love wheat bread more than white.
“We—Ido like them. But I was only planning to make you a meal and… just you and me…” She stutters over her words.
I take note of it. Nova doesn’t usually stammer. Well, she doesn’t say much in the first place but, when she does, it’s always smart, illuminating, or cut-throat. Sometimes all three at once.
“If you really want it to be just us, then that’s fine.” I give in with a nod.
The thought of spending the entire day with Nova sounds like a dream. I enjoy being around her.