Page 25 of Bossy Romance
“Should I wait for you?” Steve asks.
I check my watch. “No, it’s a Sunday. I’ll take a cab.”
He looks worried.
“I don’t want to take up any more of your time,” I explain.
“It’s my pleasure, Miss Delaney. Mr. Harrison pays me well to make sure you don’t have to drive yourself around or take cabs.”
“A cab ride every once in a while won’t hurt me.” I pop the door. “Enjoy your Sunday with your family, Steve.” I stop halfway out of the car and scoot back in my seat. “Oh, I spoke to the MIT advisor. If your son is really interested in interning this summer, he can contact them.”
“Wow. Thank you so much.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I leave the car and walk up to the porch.
Cracking my bag open, I fish around until I find the key Adam gave me. I’d only been working for him for a year when he presented the key to me with the excuse that it was too much hassle to hear me arriving when he was in the lab.
I let myself in and hear the television. It sounds like a cartoon show. Taking a few steps out of the foyer, I see Rowan stretched out in the sofa.
Adam doesn’t believe Rowan is his son, but I believed it the moment I looked into the child’s brown eyes. He’s got the same intensely focused gaze, high nose bridge and smile as his father. He’s also lanky, which means he’s going to be tall like Adam too.
I don’t know what Alexa looks like, and I’m sure Rowan takes after her in some ways, but—to my eyes—Rowan is his father’s son.
“Hey.” Rowan sees me and scrambles to a sitting position. His gaze is on my hair. “You’re back.”
“Hi, Rowan.” I glance past him and notice that the kitchen is still a mess. I cringe when I see the flour everywhere and the sink piled up with dishes.
Adam’s lab always looks like a hurricane ran through it, but he’s militant about keeping his living area clean. It’s a quirk that I’ve learned to roll with.
Unfortunately, Rowan hasn’t picked up the memo.
“Where’s Adam?” I ask.
Rowan shrugs. “I dunno.”
Leaving an eleven-year-old unattended for hours without checking in? I guess Adam isn’t trying to ace this dad thing.
“I’ll go find him.” I take a step in the direction of the back door.
“I like your hair,” Rowan says.
I turn back around.Isn’t that sweet?
“You look even prettier.” Rowan grins. “Like a model.”
“Thank you.” I smirk. “You and Adam have that in common.”
“You’re sweet-talkers.”
He scrunches his brows together. A little line forms in the middle of Rowan’s forehead and it almost knocks me flat off my feet.
That expression…
Adam looks exactly like that when he’s perplexed.
A little freaked out, I back away from Rowan and hurry across the yard. I hear Adam working on something before I’ve taken a step inside the lab.