Page 3 of Bossy Romance
“What’s unique about this battery is that it’s powered by movement.” Adam lifts the invention to show it off. “And you might say that kinetic batteries have been around for a while, but I would remind you that there’s a reason they haven’t taken off yet. The amount of kinetic energy a human body alone can create is not enough to power a calculator. Unless you can find a way to harness and multiply that energy.”
Another round of ‘oohs’ break out.
I glance at the judges. They’re leaning forward, salivating, eager to pounce from their elevated podiums and get their hands on Adam’s invention.
He has them in the palm of his hand.
One of the judges talks into the microphone. “Why does your invention force people to become physically active? Why make the recharging method so inconvenient?”
A crinkle appears above Adam’s nose.
He’d been anticipating this question.
“I believe that technology should make our lives better in all ways. Which is why the battery has a mode that functions as normal and one that encourages movement. In other words, if you want to charge it, you don’t have to move. However, recharging with movement is the angle we’re going to push because that’s the part that saves lives.”
Applause breaks out.
People are nodding.
Adam’s lips curl up. He’s trying so hard to be humble, but it’s difficult for a man that brilliant to pull it off.
Walking to the left, Adam picks up a water bottle and takes a sip. His eyes find mine in the crowd and he gives me a little smirk.
My heart tightens. I dip my chin in response.
Adam whirls around to face the judges. It’s time for his closing statements.
To my surprise, he doesn’t say anything more about the batteries. “I thought it was a little boring to only present these batteries to you today.” He reaches under the table and lifts a bag.
I immediately tip my chin to the ceiling and sigh in annoyance.
He did not.
“This is a hover-bag.” Adam proudly gestures to it. “Powered by the batteries, it hovers above the ground, making transportation a breeze. It can hold up to a hundred pounds of weight and can be stored anywhere.” His eyes are glittering in that—well, I call it the ‘Mad Hatter’ way. “Imagine you’re at the airport and you’re trying to drag all these heavy bags behind you. With the hover-bag, it’s as easy as dragging a basket of flowers.”
The crowd seems just as confused as I am.
No one says a word.
Adam grins broadly, glancing around for encouragement before finally pointing his smile at me.
I pull my lips in and shake my head.
He doesn’t look disappointed by the restrained reception at all. Clamping his hands together, he announces, “Any questions?”
A bunch of hands go up.
I retreat from the room to prepare for the next segment of the convention. The inventors will enjoy champagne, network, chat and wait for the judges to make their decision.
In the background, I hear Adam droning on about his hover-bag.
Laughter builds in my chest, but I have no idea if it’s rooted in amusement or utter despair.
What am I going to do with you, Adam?
“Courtney, Henry,” I motion to the two Vision Tech interns, “help me set these tables so catering can bring out the refreshments.”
They hurry to follow me and whisper to each other.