Page 37 of Bossy Romance
As a proud little smile tilts her lips, I realize that I’m truly, incomprehensibly pitiful.
It doesn’t matter if Nova’s sharp and prickly.
It doesn’t matter if she’s bossy.
I could endure a hell of a lot worse than her harsh tone just to have that smile beaming in my direction every now and again.
“Thanks, Nova.” I dip my head and try to play it cool.
Nova glances around at the others. “Mr. Harrison agreed to receive the Inventor of the Year award, so I’d like Vision Tech to mention that in the upcoming press release.”
The PR team director scribbles it down.
Nova checks her index cards and flips her pen around her fingers. “Vision Tech is on course to have an explosive fiscal year, but that’s preceded by a hefty financial investment…”
As Nova dives into a conversation about financial risks and our upcoming product launches, I watch her.
She speaks clearly and elegantly. She listens just as attentively. When she tilts her head and looks to one side, it means she’s concentrating hard. Anyone under her firm gaze tends to squirm as if they find her stare intimidating, but I find the head tilt unbearably cute.
Nova spins her pen around and around. Every so often, she scribbles something down on her index cards.
The woman runs a cutting edge company with access to the latest technologies, but her obsession with glitter pens, stickers and stationary means she’d rather write on a plain piece of paper than a tablet or computer.
Nova casually glances over at me, sees me staring and her pen-flipping falters. The ball point goes skittering over the desk. Loudly.
The PR director stops speaking.
Everyone stares at her.
Nova’s skin is too dark to show a blush, but she hides her eyes beneath thick lashes, nervously grabs the pen and motions the director to continue.
I lean back in my chair, my smile collapsing into a thoughtful frown.
Nova’s an ace at this—ruling an empire. Taking charge. Running a tight ship.
She commands the room without having to raise her voice. Her decisions are rational and her ability to plan for the future is unparalleled.
She’s good at this.
Why does she want to stop?
I drum my fingers on the table, thinking deeply.
If she’s tired, I’ll share her load.
If she’s frustrated, I’ll push her enemies out of her way.
I’ll do anything…
Except let her go.
Nova Delaneymustremain at Vision Tech. Shemustremain at my side.
But how do I get her to change her mind? It would be easier to pull blood out of stone than convince Nova to do something she doesn’t want to do.
I rub my chin and think deeply. My inventions are usually born from an inconvenience I encounter. Once I settle on a problem I want to solve, I research everything about it until I know the why’s, the when’s and the where’s.
Why should Nova be any different?