Page 58 of Bossy Romance
His mouth opens further and drool starts sliding out.
I back away from the bed and tiptoe to the living room. I half-expect Nova to be gone, but she’s still there.
I can’t begin to describe the relief that fills me when I see her trim body hidden under the blanket.
She’s sleeping peacefully.
As I watch her, another dream fills my head. Except this time, Nova has her clothes on. She’s gliding through the manor, getting ready for work. She’s there when I open my eyes in the morning. Every morning. She’s kissing me before she gets into the car with Steve.
My heart starts beating faster and faster with excitement.
Remember the line, Adam.
The warning does nothing to help me calm down.
Maybe I need something stronger than a cold shower.
Leaving the living room quietly, I head outside with my phone. The view of the sunrise is captivating, but that’s not what holds my attention.
A quick check of my phone reveals a new development.
Sometime last night, I got a text from Dejonae.
Hey, Adam. Just checking in. Remember, if you need anything, feel free to give me a call.
I re-read the message, hearing Dejonae’s earnest voice in my head.
It’s a mystery how Sazuki landed someone as warm and big-hearted as his girlfriend.
I smile to myself, and then I glance over my shoulder and study my slumbering executive assistant.
Come to think of it, I could use Dejonae’s help with something.
I text her back, assuming she’ll call me when she’s got a free moment.
But my phone lights up immediately.
“Hey, Adam.”
I blink in surprise. “Hey, I didn’t mean to bother you this early.”
“It’s okay. Niko woke us up an hour ago. She’s excited about the barbecue at the farmhouse tonight. She was up before the birds wanting to get ready for it.”
At the mention of Sazuki’s daughter Niko, I get a warm feeling in my chest.
Sazuki is fiercely protective of his kid. He didn’t even allow me to meet her, despite how long we’ve known each other. However, since Dejonae entered his life, he and Niko have been socializing a lot more. I hear his daughter has her own set of faithful friends.
“How is Rowan settling in?” Dejonae asks.
I lean against the porch railing, trying to decide if I should mention the goo incident. “Uh, he’s doing well. You know… we’re… adjusting to each other.”
“So it’s been close to a disaster?” Dejonae deduces.
I cough. “I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.” She laughs.