Page 71 of Bossy Romance
“I don’t need to consider that. It can’t be anyone at Vision Tech.”
I tip my head back to look at him, noticing the stubborn set of his jaw. “You can’t always believe that everyone at Vision Tech has the company’s best interests in mind.”
“What would be the point of leaking our blueprints? What would they gain by doing that?”
“Money? Evil satisfaction?”
“We have the most comprehensive benefits of any tech company, plus profit sharing after one year. Everyone knows that my work is property of the company, just like theirs is if they choose to sell. They’re paid well either way. There’s no need for betrayal.”
I stand too because Adam looking down on me makes me feel like I’m losing the argument. “Adam, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but just because you treat people well doesn’t mean they’re going to treat you well too. You can’t be so trusting all the time.”
“Maybe you need to trust a little more.”
“You think everyone is out to get you.”
“And you think everyone is good inside.” I place my hand on the table and lock eyes with him. “You’ve been in your lab making inventions twenty-four-seven. You only deal with the people you want to deal with. I’m out here every day, protecting the company from the greed, jealousy and bitterness of others. I don’t get to have such an optimistic point of view.”
He studies me for a long moment before looking down at the blueprints. “I’m not discounting how much you’ve sacrificed for Vision Tech, Nova. And I’m sorry I didn’t notice before how much mud you had to slog through just to get us to where we are.”
“I’m not fishing for an apology, Adam. I’m only saying—”
Adam interrupts. “I know what you’re saying. But humor me. Where would you be spending your energy if you were sure that the culprit wasn’t someone from the company?”
I give him a perplexed look. “We can’t be sure though. It’s easy for someone from the company to sell us out. It doesn’t even have to be a recent employee. It could be someone who’s left already. An intern who didn’t get promoted. Someone I disciplined…”
He plants his hands on the table and leans over until his face is close to mine. “What if it was just you and me who created this invention? And no one else was at the company. Who would you be trying to investigate then?”
“I don’t know. The… patent office?”
He arches an eyebrow as if to saybingo.
I open my mouth to protest, but then it sinks in. He might have a point. It’s worth investigating at least.
Scrunching my nose, I poke a finger in his direction. “We don’t know if you’re right.”
“We don’t know if I’m wrong.”
I shake my head at him and sling my purse over my shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Adam asks. “You could just give them a call.”
“It’s too easy to shake someone off on a call. I need to investigate with my own two eyes.” I round the desk.
Adam is right behind me.
I stop and stare at him. “I don’t need your help.”
“And even if you did, you wouldn’t ask for it.” He steps closer. “You’re supposed to be showing me the ropes, remember? How am I supposed to learn if you leave me in the dust?”
I hesitate. Adam’s a distraction and, after that embarrassing episode in his lap, I’m afraid of what I’ll do if he catches me off-guard again.
“You’re too close to this case,” I say to deter him. “It’s better if I handle this alone.”
“Then at least let me drive you.” When I scowl, he holds up both hands. “That’s all I’m going to do.”
“I know you, Adam. You’ll walk in right beside me.”