Page 73 of Bossy Romance
He steps close enough that his cowboy boots are kissing my pumps. “It would be easier to stop breathing, darlin’.”
My eyes catch and hold on his.
The elevator turns into an electromagnetic field, zapping sensations at me one after the other. The air feels different all of a sudden.Ifeel different.
But different is not what I need when it comes to Adam.
I force myself to glance away. “I really do appreciate you bringing the blueprints today. And breakfast. Tell Rowan his blueberry smile brightened my day.”
“He’s going to love that.”
I offer a tired nod.
Adam’s eyes stay fixed on me. My heart tries to do a fancy backflip even though it knows well and good that it has no permission to do so. The stupid, idiotic butterflies stir to life and if I had a knife to shred their wings, Hannibal Lector style, I would.
I’m vaguely aware of the elevator stopping and the doors opening. But it’s only when I hear Henry’s voice that I break out of my Adam-trance.
Vision Tech’s most brilliant intern is staring at us. He gives Adam an odd look before bestowing me with a smile. “Miss Delaney.”
“Hi, Henry.” I lift my chin, doing my best to act cool and unruffled.
Note to self: no skipping breakfast and lunch around Adam. It makes me way more susceptible to his good looks and charm.
“Ehem. Are you getting in?” Adam asks a little abruptly.
Henry clamors into the elevator. Once the doors close, he turns to me. “I was just coming to see you.”
“Did you need something?” I ask, slipping into work mode.
“I, uh, wanted to check if you’d gotten home okay.”
My eyebrows cinch together. “Yes, I did.”
“And, um, did you enjoy the sandwich?”
I hear a sound of stifled laughter and glance up at Adam. One corner of his mouth kicks up and he gives me an innocent look.
I scowl at him and then glance back at Henry. “Yes, thank you.”
That’s a lie.
I didn’t eat Henry’s sandwich, but I don’t want to tell him that. Not when he was being so nice.
“Good. Good.” Henry bobs his head. He wipes dark hands on his lab coat and seems to be searching for something else to say. “I heard we’re having a sports event.”
“Yes, we are.”
“I heard employees can participate.”
“Yes, they can.”
“Would you like to be my partner for one of the games?”
The smile drops right off Adam’s face like butter from a hot skillet. He steps forward but, just then, the elevator stops.
I walk off.
Both Adam and Henry are right behind me.