Page 84 of Bossy Romance
“Hello?”A new voice blasts out while Nova springs the door open.
At first, I look outside my window thinking the voice is coming from the sidewalk. But Nova freezes and glances down.
I realize the voice is coming from her phone.
“Nova, can I come over tonight?I want to apologize.”
My eyes widen.
Why is some guy asking to come over?
Nova looks guilty when she fumbles with the phone and taps the screen. It comes off speaker. Nervously, she puts the phone to her ear. “Jax, I told you. We’re over…” She gives me an apologetic nod before stumbling out of the car and hurrying up the stairs.
I remain in place, feeling like a giant elephant’s sitting on my chest.
Who’s Jax?
Does Nova have a boyfriend?
“I think she has a boyfriend,” Rowan says, as if he wants to pour salt in the open, pulsing, gaping wound that just tore apart my chest.
I frown. And then I grunt. And then I make more unintelligible noises while my brain spins.
“Adam, there’s a vein bulging out of your neck,” Rowan points out.
“Let’s go,” I growl. Hopefully, Lula can handle my need for speed because I plan on slamming my foot on the gas and ripping a hole down the road.
As I start the car and prepare to make my audition for the latestFast and Furiousmovie, Nova calls my phone.
I cut the engine and pounce eagerly on the cell. “Hey.”
“Adam, uh, I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to stay home tonight.”
Is it because she’s running from that guy?
I scowl.
“Do you mind waiting for me to shower and change? I’ll be downstairs as soon as I can.”
“Yeah, we’ll wait.” I glance at Rowan who shrugs and nods.
The line goes dead.
I fold my arms over my chest and try to mentally page through all of the people I’ve seen around Nova. I don’t remember a Jax. When did she meet him? How long were they together?
And why the hell aren’t they together still?
Is it because he treated Nova badly?
I already hate this guy.
While I’m mentally MMA wrestling the mysterious Jax—complete with right hooks and sharp upper cuts, I notice someone slinking past my car and hustling toward Nova’s apartment.
Her short haircut and body shape look familiar.
I squint into the darkness and the woman turns her head at the same time.