Page 88 of Bossy Romance
I frown. The mood between us is strained.
I know it’s because he wants to ask me about Jax, but he’s holding back since we’re in front of company.
Hopefully, I have a proper escape plan by the time he pops the question. At the moment, my only hope is that the car isn’t moving when he demands info about my ex. I’m not sure I can survive launching out of Lula while Adam’s pushing sixty-five on the highway.
“You want more chai?” he asks, motioning to the mug that Dejonae brewed.
She actually brought two mugs, but Vanya Beckford confiscated one for herself.
I shake my head.
Cheerful conversations are bouncing back and forth around us. I take a break from the painfully awkward exchange between me and Adam and study the people at the table.
The Alistairs.
The Hastings.
The Stintons.
The Mulliezs.
The Sazukis.
To say I’m breaking bread with the one percent of the one percent would be a crude understatement.
Vanya Beckford Mulliez is casually feeding her baby pieces of chicken next to me.
Max Stinton has his hands draped over his wife’s shoulders as he sips a beer.
Darrel Hastings is rubbing his wife’s thigh under the table while debating barbecue sauces with Dejonae.
It’s all so… normal, even though their collective net-worth could buy a small country.
Talk about insane.
“Hey.” Vanya gives me her mega-watt, supermodel smile and I feel like I should pay her for the privilege of being on the opposite end of it.
That baby in her arms is going to bestunning.Hadyn—Vanya’s husband and the guy who’s been refilling her cup before she even asks for more chai—is good-looking too with sultry eyes and an easy smile. Obviously, Vanya’s a crazy beautiful plus-sized model with cheekbones that make me want to weep on behalf of knives everywhere.
Their kid won the genetic lottery.
“I’m not disturbing you, am I?” she asks, bouncing her baby.
I blink. “Oh no. Of course not.”
“Good.” She gives me another magazine-worthy smile and turns to Dawn Stinton to continue their conversation.
I’ve only seen Dawn in passing at the events where both Stinton Auto and Vision Tech projects overlap, but rumors are that her ability to fix cars is on par with Adam’s ability to create inventions.
In fact, all the ladies here are leaders in their respective industries. Movers and shakers. Big bosses.
Strangely enough, they all seem super soft with their husbands.
I watch Kenya Alistair lean her head on her husband’s shoulder as he feeds her a brownie. She gives him an adoring look and he breaks his cold, billionaire expression to crack a besotted smile for her.
It’s disgusting.