Page 98 of Bossy Romance
“Better than good.”
“Over here?”
He makes a choked sound. “Please?”
“And thank you.”
Forget being inappropriate. My scalp is screaming like a teenager at a BTS concert.
Adam slows his massage and I almost start crying.
“Why are you torturing me?” I garble.
He speaks softly, “Nova, all I want to do is make your life better. And if you can’t relax when you’re with me, then I haven’t done a good enough job.”
“Good…” I struggle to come up with a real sentence. “You’re doing a good job.”
“Then take a few steps back. You don’t have to be so on edge. When it comes to me and you, I won’t ever cross the line unless you want to.”
Unless I want to?
His words would have snapped me awake, but his massage is just too relaxing.
I fight to keep my eyes open. “Adam?”
“What would happen if I said I want to?”
His massage stops abruptly.
But it’s already unwound me enough that I close my eyes and give into sleep.
I am not a morning person,but I find my eyes bursting open at the crack of dawn for the second day in a row. Exhaustion tugs at me like a robot finger caught in my shirt, but there’s a zero percent chance of going back to sleep, not with Nova down the hall in my bed.
I roll to a sitting position, groaning at the way my back pops. I don’t know when it happened, but I woke up one morning and all my muscles suddenly decided they were done being spry.
I push my hand into the sofa.How did Nova sleep on this thing?
Running a palm over my cheek, I stumble to the kitchen and make a full pot of coffee. As I lean against the counter, sipping my brew, I think over what Nova said last night.
What would happen if I said I want to?
Was that an invitation to cross the line? Was she baiting me?
My relentless optimism is sliding the scale towardsshe totally wants me, but even on a good day I know that Nova would never be anything close to flirtatious. It makes more sense that she was drunk on exhaustion and endorphins.
I take another sip and then set the cup down.
Thinking about my puzzling executive assistant will only land me in trouble. The kind I can’t afford to have. Especially since I went out of my way to assure Nova that I won’t cross any lines.