Page 1 of Undone
Fifteen years ago . . .
Rose Queen: Call me
King of My Heart: Everything okay?
Rose Queen: I think so. It depends
King of My Heart: ?
Rose Queen: We need to talk
King of My Heart: I’m feeding the horses with Rome. You okay? I can’t get away for another hour or so
Rose Queen: I’m fine right now
King of My Heart: Your brothers didn’t find anything out, did they? You’re safe?
Rose Queen: Yes, babe. All good. But I have news
King of My Heart: Good news? Bad news?
Rose Queen: I think it’s good. I hope you will too
King of My Heart: Now I’m nervous
Rose Queen: Me too
King of My Heart: I’ll get Rome to finish up here. Meet at our spot in 30?
Rose Queen: Ok
King of My Heart: See you soon
Rose Queen: Love you
King of My Heart: Love you too babe
Present Day
Errand day.
Twice a month I head into town to get supplies, rain or shine. Today’s that day.
I don’t much care for errand day. Leaving the wide-open space of the ranch and venturing into Seaglass Beach—where there are bound to be tourists and, let’s be honest, other people too—isn’t my idea of a good time.
But it must be done. Much as I’d love to be 100 percent self-sufficient, I still need gas, supplies, and the occasional taco.
Although it’s not seven a.m. yet, I’m already bumping down the long gravel drive toward the main road. The ranch fades in my rearview as I pick up speed, the ground changing to smooth pavement beneath my tires. At least the sun’s peeking out, turning the sky a dusty blue. We’ve had a ton of rain this past week. Good for the grass, not so great for the mood.
I crank up the radio to Chris Stapleton belting out “White Horse,” roll my window down to catch the first scent of the ocean. One of the only redeeming factors of town, really. That and my siblings, I suppose. All three of them live up here. I usually make at least a half day out of the trip, catching up with Roman or Parker for lunch or the occasional beer before heading back home. Sometimes I even swing by the inn to say hi to Poppy, but she’s usually bustling about, helping guests. I need to make a freaking appointment to get face time with my sister.
Traffic’s light at this time of day, the streets almost empty. People will be stirring soon, heading off to work, school, or the beach, but I’ll be knee-deep in horse feed by then.