Page 114 of Undone
“Brown? Like dark? Or more chestnut?”
“Hell, I don’t know, Pops. Brown brown. And she has blue eyes. Like you and Parker.”
Poppy exhales a quiet breath. “And Mom.”
I press my lips together and nod. “Yeah. And Mom.”
“She’s really our half sister then.” She clasps her hands together, thumbs running over each other again and again.
“I believe so.”
Juliet steps tentatively into the kitchen, one brow raised high. I give her a subtle nod, letting her know the coast is clear. Poppy follows my gaze, her head spinning to face Juliet. The two women stare at one another, and I’m half-worried Poppy might start something right here in the kitchen, despite what she just said about being okay with me and Juliet. I prepare to break up whatever Poppy might start with her.
She walks over to Juliet, straightening up to all five foot nothing, and squares her shoulders.
“Take good care of him. He’s the backbone of this family. And one of the best men I know. You’re lucky to have him.”
“I know.” Juliet says the words so matter-of-factly, like it’s common knowledge or something, my heart stammers.
Then Poppy surprises me, reaching out and touching Juliet on the arm.
“I’m real sorry about the baby.”
Juliet nods and murmurs a thanks; then Poppy’s gone with a quick wave. Vanished as quickly as she appeared.
Both of us stare at the hallway, the kitchen still and quiet in Poppy’s wake. Juliet walks over to me, her bare feet shuffling on the plank floor.
“I’m sorry about all that.”
I reach out, taking her hands in mine. “Don’t be. You couldn’t have known Poppy would stop by this morning.”
“I wasn’t going through your things. I was trying to find a T-shirt because my clothes were all down here, and the paper stuck to me ...”
Leaning over, I press my lips to hers, swallowing her explanation. “It’s fine. I didn’t think you were.”
“I was surprised.”
“You were?”
“Yeah. I didn’t think you’d still have that, after all this time.”
“Jules ...” I run my thumb down her cheek, tipping her face up to meet my gaze. “I wanted that baby too. That was one of the worst days of my life. And when I pushed you away, it felt like I was ripping my heart out of my damn chest. I did want to save you. I wanted you to go to school, have a good life. Not get sucked down with all the bullshit of this town, your family. I only wanted you to be happy.”
“King ...” Her voice wobbles as she stares at me, the golden flecks in her eyes sparkling in the ray of sunlight slanting through the window. “I’m happy now.”
She lifts up on tiptoe, brushing her soft lips against mine, and the entire world stops.
Everything is Juliet.
I know she’s it for me. Always has been, always will be.
This time nothing’s going to keep us apart.
“Let’s go get your stuff and move you out of that rathole.” I trace her bottom lip with my thumb. “It’s time for you to come home.”