Page 32 of Undone
King: We both know that’s not where my skills lie
Rose Queen: You’re going to have to prove it tonight
King: Challenge accepted
I’m 1,000 percent down for that challenge, judging by my rock-hard, aching cock. My balls are so full right now, I may have to jack off in the shower to get some relief from the stiffy situation. Can’t be sitting at the head of the table, holding a family meeting with a raging boner.
Rose Queen: So—your place or mine?
King: Hate to ask, but could you come to the ranch? Our doe had kids yesterday and I have to keep an eye on them
Rose Queen: You have baby goats and didn’t send me any pics?
What the hell’s up with all the women in my life wanting baby goat pics? Never even crossed my mind to share photos, and both of them seem pissed about it.
Just like I did with Poppy, I fire off a few of the pics. This time I include one of me holding the smallest kid, the one Beau and I named “Oreo” since he’s black with white patches.
Rose Queen: Adorable. The baby goat’s pretty cute too
Rose Queen: ??
Cheeks heating, I grin down at the phone like a total dope.
Fuck me.
I’m happy.
And the feeling’s so unfamiliar, so raw, it scares me shitless.
Because I know better than anyone that happiness never lasts. It’s as fleeting as a perfect sunset sinking down over the field, or a wave crashing against the shore.
Blink and you miss it.
Worse, the tighter you hold on, the faster it seems to slip away.
My cell vibrates again with another text.
Rose Queen: I’ll see you around ten
Shoving the doubt away, I take a deep breath and text Juliet back.
King: I’ll be waiting
Deep down, I’ve been waiting for her to come back for years. This time I can’t screw it up.
I take a few extra minutes getting ready, on account of my meetup with Juliet later tonight. I slap on aftershave, the cool liquid making my skin tingle. I dry my hands, then pull on a navy T-shirt and jeans. The weather’s warming up, and I anticipate the conversation getting heated too.
“King?” Poppy’s voice echoes down the hallway.
“Be out in a sec.” I finish tucking in my shirt and grab my cell off the nightstand on my way out.
“Hey. You look nice.” She scrunches up her nose at me, and I can practically see the wheels turning in her head as I walk down the stairs.
Oh geez.
I brace myself for the game of twenty questions I know is coming.
“Did you get a haircut or something?” She tilts her head to the side, squinting.