Page 59 of Undone
Buzz, buzz.
My cell vibrates against my thigh, chest tightening reflexively. I do not want to start my day off arguing with Poppy, and she’s the person who texts me the most. Especially since Juliet’s here, sleeping.
I’m relieved when I see the message is from Roman.
Roman: Poppy called me all upset about Juliet going with you
Roman: IDGAF what you do. Just wanted to give you the heads-up that she’s freaking out
King: I know. We had words yesterday
Great. Poppy’s running her mouth to Rome now, and probably Parker too. Not helping the Juliet cause at all, I’m sure.
Roman: I probably shouldn’t ask—and you can tell me to fuck off if you want
Roman: But how serious are you two?
I grip the phone tight, staring down at the words. Not sure what to say, really. From the outside, Juliet and I don’t make any sense at all.
I’m a Montgomery. She’s a Capelli.
Out of context, it looks like we’re just having sex, hooking up out of the blue.
I never told Roman about me and Juliet, the baby.
The only person who knew the truth all those years ago was our mom, and she never breathed a word of it to anyone. Not even Dad.
Instead, I kept it all buried deep inside. Tried to hide from the pain, the ghosts that haunted me ever since Juliet left.
Now that she’s back, all of this is a surprise to my family. I get it, and I should probably explain everything to them.
But it’s too damn painful. Why rehash the past?
King: Serious enough
Roman: That’s vague as hell. Your polite way of telling me to mind my own business?
I frown down at my cell, shoulders creeping up toward my ears. I roll them back down, try to reduce the tension sitting between the blades.
King: No. Not really. Just the truth
Roman: Any chance I can get a gauge on “serious enough”?
Well, hell. I don’t have a great answer to that.
King: She’s my girlfriend. Which makes me sound about 12
Roman: LOL. King has a girlfriend. Y’all exchange promise rings too?
King: STFU. This is exactly why I don’t go spreading my business around
Roman: I know she helped us with the trial and I appreciate that. You at all worried about the Capelli thing?
King: Wish she had a different last name, but it’s out of her control. She’s not like her brothers
Roman: If you like her, that’s good enough for me
King: Thanks. I appreciate that. May need you to back me up with Poppy. She lost her shit on me