Page 62 of Undone
She climbs into the truck, and I jog inside, hustling so we can get back on the road.
A few minutes later, I slide behind the wheel, ready to get going again. Juliet’s quiet, shoulders hunched, brows squished together.
“What’s wrong?”
She thrusts my cell at me.
“I didn’t mean to snoop. The message popped up and caught my eye. Sorry.”
I glance down at the text marching across my screen. From Poppy, in all caps.
With an angry huff, I toss my cell into the cup holder and pinch the bridge of my nose. My sister can be a real pill sometimes. Why does she care about my love life so damn much?
Juliet doesn’t say anything, just sits still, waiting.
Finally, I lift my head and look at her. Cheeks splotchy, her chest flushing with anger and indignation, hurt swimming in those wide hazel eyes. Gone’s the carefree attitude, replaced with all the same old bullshit. We can’t escape the multigenerational feud, no matter how many miles we put between us and our families.
A feud that has nothing to do with me or Juliet.
“Sorry about that. I didn’t tell her anything. She’s working off rumors.”
“Solid strategy.” Juliet bites out the words, bitterness lacing every syllable.
I press my lips together, anger rolling through me. Swirling around in my gut, bubbling up into my chest.
“Do you believe what she said, King? That us being together will ruin y’all?” She stares at me, unblinking.
Waiting for a good response, one that will quell her doubts.
“What? No, of course not. What I do—we do—is none of anyone else’s damn business.”
I scrub a hand over the back of my neck, wishing I’d taken my cell in with me to the bathroom. Then none of this shit would have been stirred up, and she’d still be singing, happy.
“I don’t want to come between you and your family.” She worries at her bottom lip, and I hate that she’s this upset. I desperately want to make everything better, wipe away all the hate and bad blood.
Taking her hand in mine, I lock my gaze on hers. Willing her to trust me, believe me.
“You won’t. Poppy’ll come around. She always does.”
Juliet keeps biting at her lip, tiny red indentations marking the delicate skin around her mouth.
“Hey.” I drag my thumb across her lip, cup her jaw in my hand. “It’ll be okay.”
She closes her eyes, leaning into my palm. “I hope so, King.”
I lean over, dropping my mouth to hers.
“I promise.”
After a few minutes, I pull out of the gas station. Juliet’s quiet, the fun vibe gone like the golden streaks of sunrise.
Damn Poppy and her stupid text. Why couldn’t she stay the hell out of it?
Despite what I promised Juliet, I know it’s not going to be that easy to win Poppy over. Of all my siblings, she’ll be the toughest to convince. Guess she has the most to lose, being in charge of the inn and all.