Page 79 of Undone
The bed shakes and creaks beneath us, the headboard thumping against the wall as we rocket toward our release. I know I should care about the noise, but all I can do right now is chase the climax, the high that comes from fucking King.
“Come for me, Juliet. Come for me, baby.” He murmurs the words, soft and sweet, his lips fluttering over my cheeks.
One last thrust and I shatter around him, crying out. He lets go of my hands, smashing his mouth onto mine to drown out my screams as my body bucks beneath him.
Never losing momentum, he drives harder and harder. Possessing me with a wild ferocity, sweat beading on his brow.
Finally, he spills his hot release inside me. Only then does he still, the room quiet again except for our panting breaths.
“Fuck, Jules.” He collapses next to me, snaking his arm around my shoulders. Trailing the rough pads of his fingertips over my sensitive skin, every inch of my body lighting up with his touch.
I sigh, snuggling against his broad frame, soaking in his goodness, his strength.
Wishing we could stay here forever, snuggled up in our safe cocoon. Away from all the drama, all the bullshit. Just me and King, together.
Like we were meant to be.
“I love you.” He strokes my hair, my chest light, filled with bubbly happiness.
I wind my leg around his, press even closer to him.
“I love you too.” I trail my fingers up and down his abs, running over each strong ridge. “You think we woke anyone up?”
“I hope not. That’ll be real awkward in the morning.” He kisses the top of my head, and I melt into him, a heaviness creeping into my muscles.
We drift off to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.
I’m lying on a tile floor. Sharp pain sears my gut, and I can’t move. Arms and legs frozen, I’m paralyzed.
King’s there, staring down at me, and I try to scream, to cry out and get his attention. But his navy eyes glaze over, and he says nothing, his face impassive.
A warm gush of blood oozes from between my legs; then the head of a baby crowns.
Our baby. But the skin is blue, and I need to get help. I try to move, crawl, anything. But I can’t.
Trapped, immobile. Stuck to the floor in this horrible, familiar moment I’ve lived over and over again.
I want King to open his mouth, to speak, say something comforting. Take me into his strong arms and carry me away.
But nothing happens, and we’re locked here together. So near to each other, yet worlds apart.
I wake with a start in a cold sweat. A sticky film covers my skin, even though the room’s chilly. A crushing sadness pushes down on my chest in the darkness.
The nightmare.
I’ve had it for years now. But this time it’s different.
Before, King always walked away.
This time, he stayed but did nothing to help me, help our baby.
A heavy arm pulls me closer, his naked body pressed against mine. One hand rests on my belly, warm breath tickling my neck as he snores lightly.
What if I can never have a baby?
King would be a great dad. He deserves the chance to hold his own child in his arms.