Page 95 of Undone
“You’re right. You do deserve more than that. More than me.”
I stare at him, wait for him to man up. Say he’ll do better, try harder. At the very least, open up a little.
Thunder rumbles off in the distance, and the wind picks up. I gnaw at my lip and wait. He stands rooted to the spot like a damn fence post.
Finally, he shoves a hand in his pocket.
“See you around.”
He retreats to his truck, leaving me speechless on the sidewalk. Turning the engine over, he throws an arm over the passenger seat, glances over his shoulder, and backs out.
Away from me.
The truck guns out of the parking lot, and only then do I let the tears spill, fast and hard, coursing down my cheeks. A heavy sob racks my chest, and I can’t breathe, choking on salty tears.
Fifteen years ago, the pain hurt. Physically, mentally, emotionally. A crushing ache bearing down on my body and my soul. My dreams shattered in a split second.
But this?
This is fucking worse.
Because I knew it. I knew the players, the stakes. Worse—I knew the outcome before I even started the damn game.
And, like the idiot I am, I went for it anyway.
Dammit, Juliet. Why?
Because you thought you’d finally get your happy ending.
But life’s not the fucking movies, and I’m no Cinderella.
And King sure as hell isn’t Prince Charming.
No. We’re just two fucked-up people locked in a never-ending pattern of hurting each other. Passionate fuckery, that’s what this is.
I sink down on the concrete, head in hands, and cry until my voice goes hoarse and there are no tears left to shed.
The only thing I know for certain is I’m done with King Montgomery, for real this time.
What in the actual fuck just happened back there?
One minute we’re all good. Happy, holding hands, and kissing. Going on a road trip, making love.
The next minute Juliet goes all bananas on me, and we’re done. Over. Splitsville.
In one motherfucking second, she throws everything we have together away.
What the fuck?
I speed out of town, more relieved than ever to be heading home. Back to the horses, the goats, shit that makes sense. Feeding schedules and training patterns, dawn and dusk. Reliable, predictable, safe.
Stuff you can count on.