Page 26 of A Little Naughty
I don’t like that she’s not wearing a helmet, but we don’t have much time. I’ll be extra careful, and cars don’t take this route anymore, choosing the better, paved Beach Road. I only have to watch out for critters crossing our path.
My eyes are on the sun getting closer and closer to the edge of the horizon, and my stomach is tight when I feel her arms around my waist holding her body flush against mine.
Her thighs are warm against the backs of my legs, and her chin is on my shoulder. We’re racing down the dirt road, and it’s fucking perfect.
I slow down to take the turn onto the sandy path leading out to the beach. The fat tires on my bike are designed to navigate soft sand, and it’s not long before we’re at the water’s edge, where the ground is firmer.
“Oh my gosh! Look!” Jemima’s voice is breathless in my ear, and pride rises in my chest.
It’s a perfect night, and only thin, wispy clouds are in the sky, enhancing the colors.
The sun is a red-orange ball lowering to the horizon, painting the water, the sand, everything in shimmering gold, fiery orange, pink and purple.
We’re far enough away that the beach is completely deserted, and I push the throttle down, opening the engine and shooting us across the edge of the surf, chasing the sunset.
A thin sheet of water laps in and out in front of us, and the bike slices right through it, creating a spray of salt water all around us. Briny wind pushes our hair back, and it’s just the two of us, the sun, and the glittering waves.
Jemima’s arms loosen from my waist, and I feel her throw them over her head in aVas she yells out a loud, “Eureka!” at the top of her lungs.
I start to laugh. Racing the sunset is one of my favorite things, and she’s the first person I’ve ever shared it with. Not every sunset is this good, and having her here, on the back of my bike—yeah, that’s right.Eureka.
The sun is moving fast, but so are we. We’re racing to the curve, to the long stretch of rocks that reaches out into the ocean. It’s where this stretch of secluded beach ends, and as much as I hate it, I have to ease off the gas.
Her arms are tight around my waist again as I pull the brakes. The bike comes to a quick stop, causing the back tire to curl a bit, throwing sand in an arc beside us.
The breakers are small here, and it’s a quiet swishing mixed with the wind and the scree of bugs and frogs. We’re both breathing like we ran the whole way. Our hair and faces are damp, and I rotate in the seat to look at her.
Her eyes meet mine, flashing with excitement. “That was amazing!”
My heart thumps hard in my chest. “It was pretty good.”
“Did you know it was going to be like that tonight?”
Shaking my head, I exhale a laugh. “I took a chance.”
“Thank you.” Her voice is shy, and I reach for her cheek.
My fingers thread in her soft hair, and my thumb slides from her bottom lip to her chin. “You’re welcome.”
She doesn’t break our gaze, and I’m thinking of how much I want to kiss her when she grasps the front of my shirt and pulls me forward to press her mouth against mine.
My fingers curl in her hair as our lips slide and seal. Her mouth is warm and soft, and heat burns in my chest down to my stomach. Her tongue touches mine, and I groan. My dick is as hard as a fucking teenager’s.
I’m frustrated with our position. I’m frustrated I only have one hand free. I want to pull her to me, crush her soft body against mine, but I have to hold the bike up.
She places both palms on my cheeks, pulling my lips with hers once more before dipping her chin and leaning away with a soft laugh. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Stealing a kiss.” She blinks up again, and fuck me.
“You can’t steal what I wanted to give you.”
“You wanted to kiss me?”
“I want more than a kiss, pretty girl.”
A lot more.