Page 29 of A Little Naughty
“Without a helmet?”
“It was very spur of the moment. Raif wanted to show me something. For the story I’m doing for the paper…” I’m talking too fast, like I do when I’m nervous.
Because even though he’s Adam’s older brother, Aiden Stone is also a former Marine and intimidating as fuck.
“Is that why he’s wearing red lipstick?” My cheeks heat, and Raif slides the back of his hand over his mouth. “Your sister was worried about you.”
“Cass called the cops on me?” I’m not sure how I feel about this piece of information.
“On me.” Raif’s tone is a mixture of annoyance and defiance. “She called the cops onme.”
I’m confused. “Why would she do that?”
Aiden answers. “You were supposed to be doing an interview at theGazetteoffice. Piper went by to check on you, and you weren’t there.”
“I didn’t know I was on such a tight leash.”
“Having people worry about you isn’t being on a leash.” Irritation enters Aiden’s voice. “I’d better drive you home.”
“You’re not driving me anywhere.” I’m ready to fight, even if he is the sheriff.
“I’m looking out for your safety, Jemima. I’d rather not give you a ticket for riding without a helmet.”
“Right.” Raif clears his throat, straightening. “You’d better let him take you home.”
Seriously?I’m not sure whether to be pissed as hell or surprised my sister made all this fuss. She freaked out and called the cops? No one’s ever done something like that to me.
“I’m fine with Raif, thanks.” My tone is firm. “We were heading back to my place now anyway.”
“If you think I’m letting you ride off in the dark without a helmet?—”
“He’s right.” Raif’s voice is louder. “Let him drive you home. It’s safer.”
My lips tighten, and I want to argue. But I guess I can’t fight both of them.
“I’ll catch up with you tomorrow,” I say as Raif mounts his bike. “Thanks again… for all of it.”
I wish I could kiss him goodnight, but that’s out the window with Sheriff Dad glowering at both of us.
Raif is still as a statue, watching Aiden nudge my arm. I can’t imagine what he must be thinking.
“Let’s go,” Aiden says, and I follow him slowly to his truck with the red and blue lights still flashing all around us.
When I get to the passenger’s side, I glance back to where Raif sits on the bike. His expression is steady, but when Aiden’s back is turned, he gives me a wink. My lips press together, and I fight a grin before climbing into the truck.Bad boy.
We’re pulling onto the dirt road when I hear the sound of his motorcycle engine roar to life. It’s almost like a middle finger, and my core tightens in response.
Aiden is quiet as we drive back to town, and I feel very rebellious in his giant pickup, buckled in on my side with only the lights from the dash creating a faint green glow. The radio softly plays an old George Strait song I should know.
I turn my phone over in my hands wondering why they didn’t just text me, and I realize it’s not on. I must’ve turned it off when I was trying to record my interview, which has me worried I didn’t actually get anything on the record.
As soon as my phone finally powers on, sure enough, a missed call and several texts appear from Piper and Cass wanting to know where I am and why I’m not answering my phone.
We’re entering town when Aiden breaks the silence. “I’m sorry if that came on a bit strong.” He doesn’t take his eyes off the road, and I study his profile in the dim light.
I guess I can see why Britt is so into him. He is handsome—for an officer of the law. I can only think of one guy in Eureka I want to know better, and he is definitelynotin law enforcement.
“It felt like I was being arrested.” It kind of still does, but he hasn’t read me my rights. He’s not in uniform.