Page 33 of A Little Naughty
He nods. “I knew you weren’t stupid. You only act that way sometimes.”
Those times I’m sure are when I do things like pick up his garbage and put it in the can or mow the fucking grass or get the mail out of our overflowing box.
I really need to get my own place, especially if I’m thinking about seeing Jemima again. Everybody’s right. I don’t want her coming out here.
Bull rolls his arm, rubbing his shoulder. “You been working out?”
“No. I’ve just been working. What’s your excuse?” I’m about to open the door when it opens on its own and Willie “Bender” Cartwright walks out onto the porch.
He’s an old friend of my dad’s. They grew up together, and from what I hear, they used to get rip-roaring drunk together.
Until Bender cleaned up his act and started telling people who curate whiskey and smoke cigars which ones are the best. Somehow this old coot manages to make a really good living doing it, too.
Bender the influencer.
“Hey there, Raif.” His low voice is thick and gravelly, and he reminds me of Jeff Bridges in that cowboy movie with his long gray hair and beard.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Now I know why my brother smells like whiskey.
Bender always brings a bottle of Alex Stone’s most expensive bourbon when he visits. It’s the only way our family can afford a taste of that high-priced liquor.
“Just in town for a visit. Thought I’d make sure your old man’s still alive.”
I expect he’s headed to Gwen Bailey’s house next. From what I’ve heard, those two are sleeping together now.
“How’s it going with that business idea of yours?” He cocks an eyebrow before putting a stogie between his lips. “I’ll be interested in trying some of your wild hog.”
“I’ve been working with Martha Jackson. Haven’t had much time for hunting.”
“I wouldn’t sit on that idea. Somebody might steal it out from under you.” He reaches out to grip my shoulder, giving me a lipless smile. “You’ve worked hard, and I’ve noticed. Your momma would be real proud of you, Raif.”
His words hit me hard tonight, and I clear the thickness in my throat. “Thanks.”
I’m still thinking of Jemima and her sitting behind me on that bike, sliding my hand down her soft leg and kissing her full lips. Aiden Stone might be right. I might not be good enough for someone like her, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try and prove everybody wrong.
“I’ll see about getting something together for you this weekend.”
“Good.” Bender’s boots thump as he walks down the steps, and I notice his truck parked on the other side of the trailer where I couldn’t see it when I drove up on my bike. “I’ll be ready to put a good word in for you.”
His words send a hot ball of urgency rising in my chest. Despite what my brother says, I’m not stupid. Everyone knows Bender’s recommendation is what made Stone Cold Single Barrel as famous as Blanton’s. Alex Stone can’t distill it fast enough to meet the demand, and now he’s the richest man in Eureka.
A word from Bender could change my life, and I glance over at my brother, who’s now snoring on the couch. Grinding my teeth, I know I’m going to do the job he’s offering me. I need the money now. I need to get my ass out of this shithole if I’m going to prove I’m good enough to be with Jemima.
The only way to make money is to have money.
Leaning against the post, I look up at the moon overhead. It’s not quite full, but it’s big and full of promise.Would you say my eyes put the stars to shame?She blinked those bright blue eyes up at me when she asked, the stars shining in them.
I guess I could’ve said yes, but I think the truth was better.
The truth is always better, and the truth is I’m going to do whatever it takes to change my situation, even if it means doing something stupid for my idiot brother.
* * *
I’mout of bed before sunrise the next morning. I don’t make any breakfast. I don’t even have coffee. Instead, I pull on my jeans and a clean tee. I brush my teeth and hair, then I shove my feet into my old brown work boots.
Before I go, I grab the small bag out of the refrigerator. Bull made it from the couch on the porch to the couch in the living room, and he makes a noise when I pull the door open.
“Hey,” I call to him sharply, nudging his leg. “Hey!”