Page 36 of A Little Naughty
“I don’t know. You’d be surprised what people will send in.” She shakes her head. “We’ll have to refund their money and run a disclaimer. Only G-rated Valentine’s Day poems allowed.”
“I didn’t get to interview Dr. Andrews last week.” I hang my purse on the coat rack. “He was running around like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers.”
“What? Why?” Her nose wrinkles, and she shoves her glasses onto her head.
“His receptionist quit, but good news. Julia Belle was there, and I got the feeling she’s going to take care of him in more ways than one.”
“Call him and see if he can do a quick phone interview.” She waves over her shoulder as she heads for her office. “I’ve got room for one column of copy on the front page, and I think folks will be interested in his story.”
“They sure will,” I call after her. “Dr. Hottie McAndrews is going to be the heartthrob of the county. Too bad he’s probably already off the market.”
“Just the facts, Jemima.” She counts off her fingers. “Where he’s from, where he went to school, what brought him to the area, if he has a specialty. That sort of thing.”
“I’ve got to finish the article on the bridge repair in Freemont. It’s going to snarl up the main beach road and probably increase traffic in town for a few days.”
“That sucks.” I walk to the one empty office up front so I can call Dr. Hottie.
“The old folks will complain, but businesses like it. Brings in new customers.” She hesitates before closing her door. “We’re still on for the distillery tonight? Alex said to be there at five so it’s not too busy.”
That reminds me, I need to check in with Monay, who is probably going stir-crazy right about now. “I’ll be there!”
* * *
Monay isin her thick rainbow robe with a fuzzy pink turban around her head when I arrive to drop off Nikki before heading to the distillery.
I got the interview with Dr. Andrews done. He moved here from Florida after finishing vet school because the girl he was engaged to ran off with his work partner. It was all I could do not to go down that road, but I stuck to the facts as Piper insisted.
He inherited Sunshine Pet Care from the previous vet who retired last year and was a friend of his family’s. Piper said she vaguely remembered a previous vet, but Fudge is their first pet. I made a mental note that the previous vet clearly wasn’t very newsworthy.
“I mentioned Julia Belle is his new receptionist, but I didn’t even include the part where sparks were flying the day I was out there.”
“How is that news,cher?” Monay goes to the kitchen, taking a bag of chicken nuggets out of the freezer.
I learned a while back that in New Orleanscheris slang forsweetheart. Monay is all about playing up her Crescent City culture.
“It’s interesting.” I wave my hands. “Sure, people want to know the basic stuff, but that’s just it—basic. The spice is what keeps them coming back for more.”
“You don’t have to tell me about spice, honey, I’m from New Orleans. But you’re writing for a newspaper, not Harlequin romance!” She holds up the bag. “Will chicken fingers work for the girl?”
“They’re as good as anything I’d make.”
“I’ll add a little Tabasco.” Monay switches on the oven. “What did you say you made last time? Hamburger Helper?”
“Chili Mac. It was actually pretty good.” I take a sip of the rosé wine she poured for each of us. “Cass asked me to see if you’d be interested in reading a Dolly Parton book to her kindergarten class in drag.”
Her dark eyes narrow. “Is that okay here?”
“She wouldn’t ask if it weren’t.” I walk over to where Nikki is on the couch with Angie Dickinson in her lap. “She knows her class.”
“Well, I’m always happy to help educate the children about the queen, but I don’t think they’re ready for this jelly.” She waves a hand, and I grin.
“She said Dolly, not Beyoncé.”
“Another queen.”
I squat beside the couch to pet the little pink dog. A rerun ofFriendsis on the television, but Nikki’s not watching it. She’s been quiet since she got home from school, and I haven’t had a chance to talk to her about her day. I’m a little worried after the Escalade we saw this morning.