Page 44 of A Little Naughty
“Do you know which one is the cool one?”
“No, but I bet it’s this one.” I turn my phone face so she can see. “It’s on backorder for three weeks.”
“That sounds right.”
I chew the side of my fingernail. These freaking things are expensive, and my paycheck’s not that big. “What should I do?”
“You should wait and talk to her about it tomorrow.” Monay pushes on her knees to stand. “From the sound of it, her closest friends don’t even have one, so maybe it’s no big deal.”
“She looked so sad, though.” I stand slowly, staring at my phone. “She’s been through so much. I only want her to be happy now.”
“Possessions don’t make a person happy. Talk to her tomorrow.”
“Okay.” I hug her, still worried, then start down the stairs. “Don’t forget to tell her I came by tonight.”
“I won’t. Text me when you get home, so I know you’re safe.”
“I don’t expect to see Bill again tonight.” I stop at the glass doors, thinking about his face when I mentioned Aiden Stone. “He’s gone for now.”
Monay locks the door behind me, and I ride Britt’s bike to my tiny place behind the paper office. The sun is completely gone. It’s dark with only the tin street lamps creating circles of light with large patches of shadow between them.
When I get to the house, I hop off the bike and chain it to the fence. My purse is on my shoulder full of assorted condiments, and I remember being Nikki’s age and having nothing. I remember opening the cabinets in the hotel room and them being black and empty.
The first time it happened, I’d never been so scared. I didn’t know what it meant to have no food in the house. It’s when I started collecting crackers and whatever else was out on the tables in restaurants or in diners or at gas stations.
Every place had something a little different. Some places had ketchup, although by itself, ketchup isn’t so great. Hotels that provided breakfast would have jelly and sometimes even plastic cups of peanut butter. Then I discovered honey…
“What are you doing out here?” The male voice makes me scream.
My heart is in my throat, and I grip my purse like I’ll use it as a weapon.
Raif steps out from the shadows, holding up both hands and doing his best to hide a grin. “Sorry—I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He’s in his usual work uniform, jeans and a T-shirt, and tonight he’s wearing a motorcycle helmet.
“Jeez.” I huff a breath, lowering my purse and pushing my hair back. “I should ask you as much. Are you snooping around my house?”
He takes off the helmet, and his brown hair slips around his face in messy waves. I remember threading my fingers in it the other night when we danced. It’s soft and thick. He steps closer to where I’m standing, and now my heart’s fluttering for a different reason.
“I went to El Rio after work to have a beer. Then I came back to get my bike and bumped into Bender.” He glances at my empty house. “Where’s the little girl?”
“Spending the night with a friend.” I cross my arms. “I had to work late, so I’m just getting home.”
“Why are you working so late?” A hint of a smile still lifts the corner of his mouth, and he’s so damn sexy.
“We’re planning a Mardi Gras ball to raise money for the paper.” I don’t addto cover my salary. Instead, I tap his shoulder. “And you’re invited.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes. Maybe you could even be my date.” A thrill tightens my stomach.Did I just ask him out?
He glances up at me, and I chew my bottom lip. “Did you just ask me out?”
“I guess I did.”
“Then I guess I have to say yes.” That dimple is in his cheek, and in my head I jump up and down and screamEureka!
Outwardly, I’m very casual. “It’s a date then.”