Page 28 of Relentless Pursuit
Moving in circles, Dominic kissed my neck and dragged me back and forth. We dived into another round of sexual pleasure.
2:35 A.M.
“As silent as you are, I always know when you’ve entered my space,” Dameon said.
He stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window in his study on the third floor staring into the darkness.
“We should talk,” I said.
“So talk.”
Silence filled our space.
“Okay. I’ll start. You caused a scene during a time we were supposed to come together.” He turned and faced me. “You have to fix it now.”
“I caused a scene? Am I a boy in high school, Father?”
“Are you?” He tilted his head. “I’ve seen your anger but there was no reason for that explosion back there.”
My eyes widened. “You don’t think finding out that a student at my school was the granddaughter of the man we were getting ready to blend families with is suspicious?”
“I do. Which is why I backed you up at the time but I saw past your words, Dominic.”
I inhaled deeply. “It wasn’t the suspicion alone that turned you mad.” His eyes glared at me. “Do you love her?”
I locked my jaw, knowing what would come next.
“Women cannot be fuckin’ trusted. I’ve drilled this into your brain for years.” He pointed at me. “You told me a woman couldn’t infiltrate your world with pussy, and yet, you’ve thrown away a potential alliance because of pussy.”
“Yet I stood by your side ready to fulfill my duty as your heir and marry Milano Cappalli until I was blindsided by Riccardo’s betrayal. He’s always had it out for me. Since I was a boy, he’d done nothing but disrespect me and I have let him live because of you. Yes, I love her, and yes, she will be my bride, and no, I will not marry Milano—and I will set their empires on fire if anyone dare to stop me.”
His eyes widened. “You have lost your mind.”
“She’s pregnant with my heir.”
His eyes grew even wider and his mouth gaped open.
“Regardless of the plans we made, that changes everything. You know how important it is to protect your heir, don’t you, Father?”
“Of course, I do.”
“Then you understand our plans have changed. And you will not fault me from protecting mine.”
He turned around from me and paced the floor. “A grandchild?”
I stood still and let him take it in. He paused his pacing and his glare turned into something sentimental.
“A grandchild,” he whispered again. He nodded. “Okay. Plans have changed but you know as well as I do that the Cappallis will not be happy.”
“I will deal with the Cappallis.”
“Do not set their empire on fire.”
Dark laughter burst from me, and he smirked. “I’m serious, Dominic. You’re about as ruthless as I was in my prime.”