Page 31 of Relentless Pursuit
I walked away from the door and led them to my kitchen. Emma and Sofia sat on stools at the kitchen island while Alice removed her jacket and dropped her purse on the sofa.
The open space design was one thing that attracted me to this home when I first found out it was mine. A present from my mother and father that I cherished wholeheartedly.
“Whatever you’ve got,” Emma said. Sofia nodded, and I giggled. “Alice, you?”
“What do you have?”
“Water, iced tea, lemonade, orange juice, mimosas.”
“Ding, ding, ding,” Emma said.
Laughter filled my space, and I shook my head. “Mimosas it is.”
I fixed their drinks while they watched me patiently, waiting for my full attention. Once I handed them their glasses, Emma frowned, perplexed.
“Where’s yours?”
“I’m not drinking.”
“Since when?” Sofia gawked.
I smiled and hesitated. “Um, since I found out I’m pregnant.”
Gasps tore through the room, and wide eyes stared back at me.
“You’re what?!” Emma screamed.
I laughed. “I’m sure you heard me the first time.”
“Who the fuck are you fucking, Penelope?!”
Suddenly, the room was scented with the smell of Dominic’s arousing aroma, and I knew he was near. My eyes shifted to him as he strolled into the room, bare chiseled chest on display, with water trickling down his neck. His dark gaze moved from me to them, and he tilted his head in greeting.
Strolling to stop behind me, Dominic pat-dried his neck with a towel, then he braced his hands on either side of the island around me, locking me in from behind. He leaned over my shoulder and peppered the side of my face with kisses. I blushed as their mouths dropped open, and I turned my lips to his and indulged in his mouthwatering kiss.
A contented sigh escaped my lips and he drew back and spoke against my mouth.
“Lunch will be here in a few. Your friends are welcome to join us if you wish for them to stay.”
“Okay,” I whispered dreamily.
Dominic drew away from me, nodded at them again, then departed the room, and we all watched him walk away—his muscular ass taut in a pair of gray sweatpants.
I turned back to them, and Emma reached out and grabbed me. “Oh, you have a lot of explaining to do!”
I nodded and smirked. “Do I? Because I believe what you know and what you’ve seen explains it all.”
I left them gaping at me as I filled a cup with orange juice and drank it halfway.
“I am speechless,” Sofia said.
* * *
“I didn’t know you would cater lunch today.” I smiled at Dominic and slipped my hands up his now-covered chest. We stood in my hallway while the girls ate in the dining room.