Page 36 of Relentless Pursuit
“My granddaughter will never forgive you if something happens to her family.”
“You mean, like how you told her—her father would kill her if you instructed him to do so?”
His eyes grew wide.
“That’s the family you think she wants me to protect?”
“I didn’t mean that. I only said it to get her in line. We’ve said worse to women.”
“Speak for yourself.” He grimaced, probably at the pain shooting through his arm.
“Get the fuck out. All of you. And make sure when you speak of the Lucas Cosa Nostra, it is with favor. If I found out otherwise, you won’t live to see the sunrise.”
The all moved at once and I yelled, “Get this motherfucker’s blood off my floor!”
Capos rushed to push the men out while others cleaned up the mess I’d made. I turned to Dameon and for the first time in years, I felt a connection with him. He nodded and I nodded back.
I reached out and grabbed Mano. “Tell Luna and Gabriella their presence is needed.”
He left and I strolled to the window. Dameon sat in the chair behind his desk, and we remained in silence when my sisters Luna and Gabriella appeared.
“You rang?” Luna teased.
I wanted to tease her back, but my mood was sour.
I faced her. “Are you sure you’re ready to do this?”
She straightened her shoulders taken note of my mood. “Yes. Unless you’ve changed your mind.”
I glanced at Gabriella, and she nodded. “We have been ready to play our part in our family’s history for a long time, brother. And besides I could use a dose of excitement in my life.”
“You two will be marrying into the Falsetti and Morocco families. Things will change for you drastically. Do you find that exciting?”
“Yes.” They both agreed, nearly in unison.
I glanced at Dameon, and he sat with a proud smile on his face. This must have been one of the most important moments in his life; witnessing his children happily step into roles that would further the Lucas empire.
It was this moment when I realized what was at stake.
My family.
I loved my sisters with all my heart. Our most trustworthy capos like Mano, and leaders like Bruno, had all done what was best for the sake of the Lucas Cosa Nostra so the family could thrive.
I had spent years hating everything about it. Mostly because I’d been introduced to the dark side and not the togetherness, the love, and the camaraderie.
This hit me so fiercely that I realized I’d been going about this all wrong.
I was the Black Rose, but the shift in what that meant would start now. Our signature would remain intact. I would continue to use it but only when it was sincerely connected to the Lucas Cosa Nostra. And I would make sure to give my family choices and not force them into anything they didn’t want to do.
That would be my legacy.
“We’re meeting the Falsettis and Moroccos in two hours. Be prepared.”
They nodded and left the room and I looked to my father, who winked at me.