Page 25 of Dark Choices
“Evie, what is it?” I glance around by instinct. Night is falling. The street lamps have switched on to illuminate the town's main street, but it brings me little comfort.
“Run.” From the sound of her harsh pants and hard breaths into the phone, it sounds like Evelyn is running herself. “Now. You need to run. He’s there. In Italy. He found you.”
He found you.
My father. Patrick O’Leary.
“How?” I ask, my voice pitched and tight.
“I don’t know.” Loud crashing sounds come from Evie’s background like she’s throwing things around in a hurry. “I set alerts in case your father left the country, and he triggered one when he booked his private plane to Italy. Where the fuck is it?” She mumbles under her breath, her attention divided. “Ah! There it is. Shit. Rose, he touched down outside of Venice not long ago. He’s on his way to you. There’s no other reason for him to be there.”
“How much time do I have?” The house isn’t far. No more than a five-minute drive.
Evelyn sobs, and the crashing sounds cease all at once. “I don’t know. Oh my God, Rose. I’m so sorry. I didn’t catch the warning in time. This is all my fault.”
“No, it’s not,” I tell her firmly. It’s silly to think my dad gave up looking for me by now. I hoped I meant so little to him, but in reality, he’ll never stop. And I’ll never be safe. We’ll never be safe. Not until Patrick O’Leary is dead.
“I’m working on getting you out of Italy, but you need to run. Get to the train station and then get to Milan like we talked about. I’ll find you there,” Evelyn orders in a rush. “Stay safe.”
“You too. I’ll see you soon.”
I spin around and reach for the doorknob before I pause. Inside, Liam and Anette sit unaware of the trouble coming our way. I need to get a few of our things and don’t have a lot of time. If I leave Liam with Anette just long enough for me to drive back home and get what we need, I’ll be faster than if he goes with me. I trust the older woman and know Liam will be safe with her. It’s only for a few minutes anyway.
“Anette?” I call as I walk back inside and dig my keys out of the bag. “Will you watch Liam for a few minutes? I forgot a batch of muffins at home. Seems silly to load him in the car for such a quick trip.”
“Sì. Yes, of course. I am happy to watch the piccolo.” She smiles at the baby, waving his tiny fists around, trying to grab her white braid that swings in front of him. “Take as long as you need.”
“Grazie.” I lean down and kiss the crown of Liam’s red hair, savoring the moment before whispering, “Love you, little one. Be back soon.”
From a distance, the house looks safe. The outdoor lights are on, and the living room window glows from the single lamp I always leave on so I never return to a dark house. The narrow street holds no strange cars or people. Nothing looks suspicious. If I have any time, it’s precious and few.
I rush to the front door and force my hand to stop shaking long enough to punch the code. The door flings open, and I slam it shut behind me like someone is chasing me in the dark. Which they are. I just don’t know from where or how close they are.
Leaning against the solid door, I close my eyes, relief crashing over me. I made it. I’m safe inside. But my relief is short-lived.
“Hello, Rosaleen.”
My eyes snap open just as beefy hands latch onto my arms. My reaction is immediate. I kick and shove with all my might, but the two men holding me continue to pull me forward. It’s useless. They have the upper hand from the start. Still, I’m proud when I land a few frantic kicks to their bodies. Their responding grunts of pain are music to my ears.
Distracted by my satisfaction, I never see the hand coming before pain explodes across my face. Tears immediately spring to my eyes, and I freeze, looking up through wet eyelashes into the face of the very man I hoped to never see again.
“Quit your fighting this instant,” Dad demands.
I should feel fear, but the pain from my face drives my mouth forward. “Like hell I will.”
His muddy eyes flash with a hint of something dark before he spins on his heel and sits in the recliner across the room. He motions to his men, and I’m forced down on the couch opposite him. They release my arms and step back to take up position by the front door. I spy another pair of guards blocking the back door, which means there’s no way to escape, and they know it, too.
My mind snaps to Liam, relief flooding me that I chose to leave him with Anette. He’s safe with her. That’s all that matters right now.
“You have caused quite a bit of trouble for me,” Dad states. “Too much money, time, and resources have been wasted on this little manhunt to find you.”
“Then you should have just stopped,” I snap. “Saved us both the hassle.”
Dad’s eyes narrow at my sass. “Believe me, I wanted to. Why should I look for an ungrateful daughter who has been given everything she could ever want and then runs?”