Page 16 of Earth's Paladin
“I have need of your services,” Daphne declared.
“Not for hire.”
“Never said I was going to pay you.”
“Then I’m definitely not interested.” A lie. He kind of wondered why she’d sought him out. Surely Clive or Nelly were in better positions to help.
“You know how to drive a vehicle.” Stated, not asked.
“Good. You will take me to where the Mother has need of me.”
Yay. Road trip.
Garou instantly pouted.
She pursed her lips. “I didn’t say you had a choice.”
“Whatever it is you’re planning, leave me out of it.”
“Why? It’s not like you’re busy, unless moping and pouting count.”
The ganging up led to him scowling. “What I’m doing is none of your business.”
“I see we’re going to do this the hard way. Which one, left or right?”
“Excuse me, what?” he sputtered.
“Would you like me to start removing fingernails on your left or right hand? Or should I start with your toes?”
“Are you insane? You can’t torture me into going.”
“Says someone who’s never been tortured by me. I assure you, I’m quite good. I’ve only rarely had to start cutting off digits to get what I want.”
He stared at her in disbelief. “How is someone as violent as you close to the Earth Mother? I thought her disciples were all nice and caring and nurturing folk.”
“Some are. But I am her Paladin. Her warrior on Earth. I do what her wishy-washy subjects can’t,” Daphne stated, looking utterly serious and sounding quite homicidal.
Isn’t she the best?
“You’re the Earth Mother’s killer,” Baptiste clarified.
“I thought that was already clear.”
Like, duh. Even I grasped that.
He ignored Garou. “Why do you have such a problem with the word no?”
“Why must you make this difficult? We both know I’m going to win.”
“You do realize I’m several times your size.”
“I have it on good authority you won’t hit me.” Her lips quirked. “Strange rule this era has about men not striking women.”