Page 1 of Cozy After Snow
“Good morning, sunshine.”
I awaken to the sound of Graham’s voice in my ear as he begins to pull at the blankets I have wrapped tightly around me.
“No, it can’t be morning yet,” I mumble.
“Open your eyes,” he commands.
I shake my head and burrow deeper into the covers.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” he says as the comforter is yanked from the bed.
“Hey,” I snap as the bare skin of my legs is exposed to the coolness of the winter air.
I shoot up and spring for him.
When my body hits him, he drops the comforter and catches me as we go tumbling to the bedroom floor.
The bedroom door flings open as we land in a ball of limbs and blanket.
“Come on, guys. I’m too young to see this,” Caleb cries.
I untangle myself from my husband and narrow my eyes at my son.
“You shouldn’t be coming into our room, uninvited,” I correct him.
He rolls his eyes. “Graham told me if he couldn’t get you up and dressed in ten minutes, I had to come help him,” Caleb informs.
I look from him to Graham. “You two planning to gang up on me? That’s not fair,” I whine as I lunge for Caleb.
I grab hold of the hem of his shirt and tug him down with us.
Then, I start peppering his face with kisses as he squirms.
“Stop it, Mom,” he squeals.
Graham tackles me from behind and wrestles me to my back, where the two of them proceed to tickle me until tears are running down my cheeks.
“I give up,” I gasp through the giggles.
“You going to get up and get dressed now?” Caleb asks.
“Yes, I promise,” I agree.
He hops up, and Graham follows. Then, Graham extends a hand to help me.
“You jump in the shower, and we’ll make you breakfast,” he says as he hoists me to my feet.
“Then, we’re going to get a Christmas tree!” Caleb bellows.
That’s right. I forgot. Today is December 1, and we told Caleb we’d spend today at the Christmas tree lot in the valley, picking out the perfect tree, and then we’d decorate it tonight before he leaves for Chicago in the morning to spend a week with his father and baby brother for the holidays.
I don’t want him to go. I want him to be here with us to help decorate the rest of the house for our first Christmas as a new family, but it’s Damon’s turn to have him for Christmas, and he graciously agreed to let Caleb spend it in Balsam Ridge so he could attend his uncle Garrett’s wedding on Christmas Eve. So, we’ll have to make the most of today and tonight.
I shuffle into the bathroom while they head to the kitchen.
I shower quickly and decide to let my hair air dry. I swipe on some moisturizer and lip balm and spritz on a little perfume.