Page 35 of Changing Tides
His attention snaps to her. “Hey, little one. What do you have there?” he asks.
She runs up to him, a tangle of colorful blooms clutched in her fist.
“It’s flowers for Mommy,” she announces.
“Very nice,” he says as he lifts her off her feet and rests her on his hip.
She looks over at his boat. “Where’s Minnow?” she asks.
“He’s with my mom and dad.”
Her brows furrow. “I thought he was your co-captain.”
He chuckles. “Boy, you don’t forget a thing, do you?” he asks.
“Mommy says I’m the best remember-er,” she tells him proudly.
“Yep,” I sigh.
“I promise I’ll bring him next time,” he says.
“Never forgets anything,” I sing and laugh, as he’s obviously unskilled at handling four-year-olds.
“Did you come to play with us?” she asks him.
“Actually, I came to play with Sebby. He and I are going to spread some pebble stones around the firepit for Nana,” he replies.
“Why?” she asks.
“Because she likes the way they look and it’s less grass for Gramps to have to cut in the summer,” he explains.
“Oh,” she says like that made perfect sense to her.
He places her back on her feet. “Tell you what though. You and your mom can come over later, and we’ll light a fire and roast some marshmallows if you want.”
She turns to me. “Can we, Mommy? Pretty please!”
“Only if Sebby and Sabel say it’s okay,” I tell her.
She looks back at Sebastian.
“You tell them that Mommy said it’s okay if they say it’s okay.”
The corner of his mouth lifts. “I’ll do that.”
“Thanks,” she says before handing me the now-smashed and wilting flowers before skipping back off toward the garden.
“I’d better get to it. See you in a bit. You should wear that,” he says as his eyes skim me again and he walks past.
I roll my eyes.
“Make sure your grandparents want company before you invite us next time,” I call after him.
I flip back down on the towel.
So much for relaxing.
Sabel calls while I’m feeding Leia dinner and tells us to come over for the fire and marshmallow roast as soon as we’re ready.