Page 4 of Changing Tides
“If you keep these yummy coconut concoctions coming, you won’t hear another peep from us today,” I assure him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he promises with a smile before excusing himself.
I lather my body with sunscreen before parking it in the lounger and grabbing my drink.
“So, other than the luau, what’s on the agenda for the week?” Amiya asks.
“Tomorrow is the Pearl Harbor tour,” I begin.
“Pass,” she interrupts.
“What? Why?”
She rolls her eyes. “I know Conrad liked all that history stuff, but I’m on vacation. In Hawaii. I can learn about World War II from a book.”
I sigh. “Fine. Tuesday, we’re taking the Dole Plantation Tour, and don’t you dare say pass,” I say as I point at her.
She shrugs. “I’m down with the pineapples.”
“Wednesday, we are going snorkeling before the luau. Thursday, we have the island circle bus tour that takes us out to Waimea Valley to see the waterfall, and Friday is the glass-bottom-boat dinner cruise,” I continue.
“That’s cool,” she replies.
“So, we’re good for everything, except Pearl Harbor?”
“I’d prefer to lie on the beach all day, every day, working on my tan, and enjoy doing nothing at all but napping, eating, and drinking, but I am here for you, so we’ll do all the nerdy, touristy shit that you’re excited about too.”
I shake my head. “Thanks.”
She slides her sunglasses from the top of her head onto her nose. “You’re welcome. I’m such an awesome friend.”
I laugh. “Yes, you are,” I agree.
We both fall silent for about an hour while we soak up the sunshine.
Pika checks in with fresh cocktails in hand.
I take the shells and thank him.
“I could get used to this,” I murmur as I pass one of the drinks to Amiya.
“Girl, I could get used tothatview,” she utters, tilting her head toward the water.
My gaze follows hers to the sight where three men with washboard abs, sun-kissed skin, and long, dark hair are sitting astride colorful surfboards.
Oh my.
“You and me both,” I mumble.
“Perhaps the best way to get over Conrad is to get under one of them,” she suggests.
“Amiya!” I gasp.
“What?” she says with a shrug. “You’re young, beautiful, and single. I think a hot Hawaiian fling is exactly what you need.”
“They’re strangers.”
“Precisely. We don’t know them; they don’t know us. We’re like ships passing in the night. No commitment. No expectations.” She cuts her eyes to me. “No shared apartment leases. Just temporary adult fun.”