Page 94 of Changing Tides
I load Leia in the wagon and decide to use the sidewalk by the street to tug her back to the golf cart.
It’s a lovely August day, and as much fun as we’ve had this summer, I’m excited for the coming of fall. The tourist numbers have already subsided as the state prepares for the beginning of the school year.
My heart aches as I note this is the last autumn we have before my girl is off to kindergarten, and I want to soak it up.
Sabel sends me a text when we are en route to the cottage to retrieve my car, telling me to bring Leia to her, so I walk her over before heading to the rehab center for the day.
Kimball calls me into her office right before closing. Which is never a good thing. I check the pH of the holding tank and tell each rescue good night before walking down the hall, tapping on her door and entering.
She’s seated behind her desk with the phone to her ear, but she beckons me inside.
I take a seat in the chair facing her and wait for her call to end.
“Is something wrong?” I ask when she rounds the desk and shuts the door.
“No. Everything is fine. I just have some news, and I haven’t told the rest of the office yet,” she says as she takes a seat on the edge of the desk. “I’m moving on. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association Fisheries has offered me a position with Green Turtle Research and Conservation in Southern California starting the first of the year.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. Congratulations, Kimball,” I say.
“Thanks. I’m excited. I’ll be closer to my son and daughter-in-law. He’s stationed at Edwards Air Force Base, and I put in for the position when they found out they were expecting.”
“Oh, what perfect timing,” I gush.
“Yeah, for me and you both.”
“The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is looking for a new director to fill my position here at Sandcastle Cove. They asked if I had any recommendations, and I threw your name in the hat.”
“You did?”
I can’t believe she’d go to bat for me when I’ve only been working under her for a little over three months.
“But what about the others? Leslie? Glenna?” I ask.
Both have been with the program for over a decade.
“They’re great, and both are wonderful at their jobs, but neither of them meets the education requirements for director, and the three of you already work so well together. If you want the job, it’s yours.”
“I don’t know what to say,” I mutter.
She smiles. “It’s a big decision, and I sprang it on you. Take some time to think about it and talk it over with your family and the New York office. If you decide you’re interested, we can revisit the conversation and talk compensation and benefits in a few weeks.”
“Thank you, Kimball,” I say as I stand.
“I know we’re small potatoes compared to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, but we do important work here, and it matters. Not just for North Carolina, but also for conservation efforts along the entire East Coast. I hope you’ll seriously consider it.”
“I will,” I promise.
Ireceive a panicked phone call from Avie. She and Amiya have been in an accident off West Beach Drive.
Anson and I leave the sander we’re using on the floor in the living room and grab my keys.
Gramps gave us Labor Day weekend off so we could get my floor sanded and stained in preparation for the cabinets and countertops being installed in the kitchen early next week.
He and Parker are handling captain duties with Dad pitching in as crew.