Page 98 of Changing Tides
I back up against the closed door. “I’m going to talk to him on Sunday after the picnic and lay all the cards out on the table,” I tell her.
“Good. I’d love to be here so I can soothe your broken heart.”
I slide my eyes to her as tears fill my vision. “You’re always having to bandage me up.”
She shrugs. “That’s what best friends do. Forever and ever. Now, let’s go get drunk and discuss this job offer like responsible adults. We’ll do pros and cons. I’ll go first. Con: it’s not in fucking Atlanta.”
I laugh and follow her to the kitchen.
We stay up all night, discussing my next move. Who I should tell, who I should let influence my decision, and exactly what salary point I’d need to hit to make it worth it.
There’s no way the rehab center can match my pay at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. They don’t have the funding and resources, but with the cost-of-living difference, I should be able to afford the cut.
The truth is, if I sell the apartment in New York, I could easily afford to purchase a home for me and Leia in Sandcastle Cove. The housing market here isn’t exactly cheap, but in comparison to New York real estate, we’d do well in the move, and we might even be able to purchase a vehicle.
If we unload the other communal property that Conrad and I own, then those funds could go into the bank and provide me with a nest egg and safety net for the future.
I make a mental note to contact my attorney next week to see where we stand with those properties.
The biggest question is, what do I do if the Georgia Aquarium calls? Atlanta is my hometown. My parents and Amiya are there, and that would be a blessing for me and Leia.
I don’t want to be that person who accepts a job and then turns around and resigns a month later to take another.
And then there’s the Sebastian factor.
I don’t even want to let my mind go to what he’ll have to say about it all.
Ugh, why does everything have to be so complicated?
Because you deserve it.
I shake the unwanted thoughts and try to get some sleep before Leia wakes up.
I wake up to discover I’ve slept in, and I find Amiya and Leia in the backyard, where Amiya is attempting to teach her how to hula hoop.
“Mommy,” Leia calls when she sees me headed down the steps.
She lets the hoop around her waist drop to the grass and runs to me.
I catch her in my arms.
“We let you sleep for a long, long time,” she says as I pick her up.
“You sure did. It’s two o’clock already.”
“Auntie Miya said you needed the rest.”
“I did. Thank you. Did you two have a good day?” I ask.
“Yeah, we made cookies for breakfast,” she informs me.
“Hey, snitch, that was supposed to be our secret,” Amiya huffs.
“Sorry,” Leia whispers.
“It’s too late to whisper now,” Amiya says as she tickles her side.