Page 104 of Kissing Kin
I shared a blank stare with Luke before turning back. “What does that mean?”
“A blood alcohol content of 0.0% is sober. A BAC level of 0.08% is intoxicated, while .35% can be lethal.”
I gave a low whistle as the tow-truck operator winched Cody’s car on a dolly trailer.
“Because he had a moving violation, he’s charged with a DWI, and his driver’s license is revoked.” He glimpsed the mangled mailbox. “Though he damaged property, the good news is he didn’t harm anyone, but this is his second drunk-driving offense in two weeks.”
Stunned, I glanced at Cody, snoring in the squad car’s back seat.
“If convicted, he faces a minimum of two years in jail, though the court can sentence him to as long as ten, with an additional fine of up to $10,000.”
“Wow…” I said a silent prayer, reflecting on the might-have-beens. “Thank you, officer.”
Nodding, he climbed into the squad car, turned off its flashing lights, and pulled onto the road.
As the wrecker towed Cody’s car, Luke reached for my hand. “How ’bout a cup of coffee?”
“I could use one.” Linking fingers, I sighed as we walked up the drive, hand in hand. “What a night.”
“I’ve had better.” Though his eyes glimmered in the moonlight, any hint of a smile faded. “Let’s get Teddy and go to my place. I know your friend’s sleeping it off in jail, but I’d feel better if you weren’t alone.”
“So would I.” The words came out before I thought. Then with an uncomfortable laugh, I glanced down. “Forgot I was still in pajamas and slippers. Give me a second to change.”
“Sure, it’s almost time to get up, anyway.” He nodded at the morning glow behind the mountains. “Did Cody always act this way?”
“No, I don’t recognize this behavior.” I slipped on a t-shirt as I reran the events prior to the breakup. “Cody always seemed so solid…at least, he did until he received orders for his last deployment…”
Luke waited on the porch while I dressed. “Why, how did he act then?”
“Detached…numb…exhausted…” I zippered and belted my jeans, then slapped my palm against my head as the memory returned. “I’d forgotten, but he mentioned having trouble sleeping then, that he was having flashbacks from his previous deployment, when he was exposed to an IED blast.” I stepped onto the porch.
“A what?”
“An improvised explosive device.” As I locked the cabin door, I reviewed Cody’s symptoms. Alcohol abuse, flashbacks, sleep disorders, relational issues… “I didn’t put two and two together until now, but he’s showing symptoms of PTSD. After the breakup, I was too numb to notice.” Upset with myself, I turned toward Luke. “Why didn’t I see that sooner?”
“As I recall, you had your own troubles.”
“What do you mean?”
“When we met, you were leaving a job, moving, and ending a relationship.” Luke’s smile was empathetic in the pale light of the sunrise. “Don’t worry, Cody’s cry for help won’t go unanswered.” He pushed open his apartment door.
“Now he has a police record, no car—”
The puppy dashed ahead, nearly tripping me.
“Slow down, Teddy!” I grabbed Luke’s arm to regain my balance.
Steadying me, he placed his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. “Don’t beat yourself up for others’ actions. Things don’t always happen for the reasons you think, but they always happen for the better.”
“Do you believe that?” Closing the distance between us, I clasped his waist, hooking my thumb in his belt loop.
“Yeah, I do.” He placed his arm around my shoulders. “Even if things don’t work out the way you’d thought or hoped, they work out the way they’re supposed to.” His smile was lopsided. “You think you’re the only one to get dumped?”
I grimaced. “Bea?”
“You came through all right.” Even if Bea didn’t… “How’d you manage that?”