Page 11 of Kissing Kin
“Any particular…reason…?” Person? He left his words hanging.
Her smile distant, she shook her head. “No, I’m not seeing anyone if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Glad to hear it.” He leaned across the table. “Though it’s hard to believe you aren’t taken.”
“I was engaged.” Grimacing, she glanced at her plate before meeting his gaze. “But long story short, just when I mustered out, he was deployed. I was collateral damage.”
“Wow.” He sat back. “Three of the top five.”
“Top five what?”
“Most stressful life events: leaving a job, moving, and ending a relationship.”
“Never thought of it that way.” She stared out the window as if lost in thought, then came to attention. “The storm’s getting worse. All I see is white.”
“You’re not kidding. Visibility’s zero.” A groan escaped as he rubbed his chin. “Just wondering about the roads.”
“Where do you live?”
“A couple miles from here”—his laugh was dry—“vertically.”
“Maybe we should call it a night.” She checked her watch. “If it weren’t for me, you’d be safe at home.”
“No worries.” Let’s see where this evening leads. “I’ll be fine.”
“I’d be responsible if anything happened to you.” She slipped her arms through her vest. “Thank you for a lovely meal and terrific company, but you’d better leave before the storm gets any worse.”
“Can I get you folks anything else? Coffee? Dessert?” Charlie set an open menu between them.
“Their coconut cream pie melts in your mouth.” Luke appealed with a smile.
“Thanks, but I couldn’t eat another mouthful.” She shook her head. “Besides, we should leave, so you can beat the storm.”
Hiding his disappointment behind a smile, he turned to the host. “You heard the lady.”
“Here’s your check.”
“That was fast.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, you’re my last customers.”
“What?” Luke eyed the empty tables and booths before glancing at his watch. How long have we been here?
“Everyone else had the good sense to leave. You may be my supplier and best customer but get out”—Charlie laughed—“so I can lock up.”
Chuckling, Luke placed several bills inside the folder.
“Be right back with your change.”
“Keep it. It’s the least I can do for keeping you late.” Then standing, he offered her his hand. “Don’t know about you, but I’ve been kicked out of better places than this.” He winked. “Ready?”
Ready for what? My pulse spiked as he helped me to my feet. Despite meeting him just hours before, I liked his hand’s warm grip around mine. I studied his profile as we crossed the room, taking in his long eyelashes, hint of sideburns, bristling five-o’clock shadow, and thick shock of hair that invited tousling.
His arm brushed mine as he opened the door.
Goose bumps broke out, then the blast of frigid wind sent chills up my spine. Or was he the cause?