Page 19 of Kissing Kin
“February fourteenth. Fainted while chopping wood.
“March fourth. I may be pregnant.”
A crying baby yanked me from a semi-doze.
“Wonder who the baby was?” Luke cocked his head.
“You heard it, too?” Half-asleep, I blinked.
“Heard what?”
“The crying baby.” I shook my head to clear it. I must’ve nodded off. “What baby are you talking about?”
“My great-great-grandmother’s.” He tapped his index finger against his lips. “Bet Aunt Rosie knows.”
“Good…” Drowsy, I felt myself slipping into a twilit dream of gingerbread, Henrietta, and crying babies…
“If your eyelids were any heavier, you’d fall flat on your face.”
I woke with a jerk. “I’m just resting my eyes.”
“You’re dozing again.” He chuckled. “Why don’t we call it a night?”
“It’s a night.” Slaphappy, I grinned.
“Seriously, let’s get some shut-eye.”
“I’m not tired.” Like a stubborn child refusing to go to bed, I shook my head while hiding a yawn. “I want to hear what happens to Marianna.” I kicked off my shoes, lifted my knees to my chest as I curled into the chair, then rested my cheek on my hand. “Keep reading.”
“Five more minutes.” Wearing a stern frown, he made a growling sound in his throat. “Then I’m hitting the hay. Which reminds me. Which bed’s mine?”
My eyes snapped open, and I pointed to the one nearest the window. “That one.” Mine’s closer to the door. I planned escape routes as I swung my feet on the floor. “Want me to read a while?”
“Sure.” He crossed the room and handed me the diary. “Reading might keep you awake.”
“I wasn’t asleep!” Chuckling at the banter, I turned the page.
“April third. Told Ramon the good news.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” Marianna nodded. “I’ve suspected for months, but now, I’m positive.”
Ramon lifted her in the air and twirled her around.
Her skirt and petticoats flying, she laughed, glad she had delayed sharing the news until she was certain. “We’ve been disappointed before, but this time…” She swallowed to keep her lips from trembling. The premature birth and miscarriage still haunted her, and after two unsuccessful years of trying, she had all but given up hope of having a baby.
He took her in his arms and held her close.
Responding to his tender grip, she drew strength. “This time, I’m sure.”
“September first. Brought in a good crop of cotton. No boll weevils.
“October fourth. Gave birth to Ramona, a beautiful, healthy girl.