Page 37 of Kissing Kin
Sharing the screen with Luke, I read the app’s statistics and gulped. What couldn’t I do with that money? Thinking of the possibilities, I closed my fingers around the dime. If my car’s totaled, this and insurance might cover a new one. Then taking a deep breath, I handed Luke the coin. “You found this dime. It’s yours.”
He shook his head as he gently pushed away my hand. “Like I said, a dime isn’t going to make or break me.”
“Maybe not ten cents.” Meeting his gaze, I grimaced. “But twenty-five thousand dollars would finance your patio bar.” I returned the boy’s phone. “Thanks for the tip.” Then I pulled Luke from the food line, retreated to the far corner of the room, and again tried to press the dime into his hand. “Take it.”
“No, I gave it to you.” His hand a fist, he refused to accept it. “It’s yours.”
“Lovers’ spat already?”
I flinched at the saccharine tones.
Her eyes steely, Bea smiled like a spinster at a wedding. “Shouldn’t the honeymoon last more than a day or two?” Her eyes narrowing to slits, she turned to Luke. “After sneaking out of her hotel room yesterd—”
“You and I need to talk.” Grabbing Bea by her wrist, Luke hustled her out the door.
Chapter 6
“Getting rough in your old age?” Outside, Bea pressed her body against his as she nipped his ear. “I like it rough.”
He pushed her away. “Keep your mouth shut, and I’ll do the same.”
“What do you mean?” Bea’s eyes narrowed.
“I’ve kept quiet about your fling—”
“What fling?” She stiffened.
“Double-dealing on me, you threw yourself at Neuman. Then after he ditched you, you came crawling back—that’s what ‘fling.’ ” His chest heaving, he fumed. “I’ve kept your secret, but if you spread rumors about Maeve, I swear I’ll make your humiliation public. Is that what you want?”
“What I want”—running her talons along his chest, she sidled up to him—“is for us to be together again.”
Her spidery touch made his skin crawl. “You ended anything we had.”
“I made a mistake—one tiny indiscretion.”
“Indiscretion?” He spat out the word like sour milk. “When Neuman’s oil wells came in at a thousand barrels a day, you ghosted me—wouldn’t even return my calls.”
She slithered against him. “I may have misjudged the situ—”
“You ran after him, and he dumped you.” He shoved her away. “To let you save face, I’ve kept quiet. Don’t make me change my mind.” Turning, he strode in the house.
Maeve joined him. “What was that about?”
“You and I know nothing happened between us.” Remembering their recent embrace, he shifted feet, then frowned. “I just don’t want Bea starting rumors.”
“Don’t worry about my reputation.” She shook her head. “I’m leaving in a few days, but while you were outside, I figured out how the Mercury dime could benefit us both.”
“It’s yours.” He crossed his arms. “Subject closed.”
“Nope.” She shook her head, her shiny hair swinging with each movement. “But you are right about one thing…”
“It’s mine.”
“Damned straight, it is.” Planting his legs wide apart, he gave an affirming nod.