Page 40 of Kissing Kin
“Yup.” He turned back. “Why?”
“I’ve always liked them.” She gave a hesitant smile. “But when I visited a sweat lodge a few months ago, I learned it was a lucky omen. What began as relaxation therapy ended in a vision quest.” She spread her hands wide on the table. “In my mind’s eye, I saw a roadrunner. The leader told me it’s my totem animal with the message to think on my feet and hit the ground running.”
“Then why did you just roll your eyes?”
“Because the last time I saw a roadrunner was right before I lost control of my car.”
“Maybe its appearance was a heads up. You did some fancy footwork to avoid sliding over that ledge. Besides, if not for that accident, you’d never have connected with your family.” Homing in on her seven freckles, he offered his hand. “And we might never have met.”
She reached across the table to clasp it. “That’s true.”
“Is this a private party, or can anyone join?”
Luke flinched at Bea’s voice. “It’s a free country.”
She pulled a chair so close, her elbow brushed his arm. “Aunt Rosie always has the best get-togethers, doesn’t she?”
“Aunt Rosie?” Her familiarity irked him. “Since when is Rosie your aunt?”
“Figure of speech.” Bea waived away his question with a flick of her wrist, wafting cologne fumes.
The heavy perfume irritated his nose, and he sneezed. Its sickly-sweet scent reminded him of Copper Canyon daisies. The first time he smelled them, he inhaled deeply, enjoying their fragrance, but after an allergic reaction, even a casual whiff churned his stomach.
How much perfume did she use? Did she spill the bottle? His eyes watering, he wrinkled his nose. “Just remembered something.” Breathing through his mouth, he grabbed his plate, pushed back his chair, and stepped away to inhale. “Maeve, can you help me?”
She paused momentarily, studying his face, then gathered her plate and joined him. “Sure.”
“Leaving so soon?” Bea’s eyes flashed, then narrowed. “Lovers’ tryst?”
He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. “Enjoy your meal.” Turning to Maeve, he gestured toward the house with a nod, then strode away, not stopping until they were out of hearing. “Sorry, but her perfume was so strong, it took away my breath. Hope you didn’t mind moving.”
“Not at all.” She shook her head. “A match could’ve set off the charged atmosphere.”
Relieved that she understood, he sighed. “But I did forget the wine.” Balancing his plate on the porch railing, he gestured with his chin. “Can you find us seats, while I run out to the truck?”
When he returned, I moved over to make room. “It wasn’t easy finding a place. Rosie’s suppers are popular.”
He glanced at the cramped seating. “Before I squeeze in, let me get a wine opener.”
A second later, Rosie appeared with a twist corkscrew. “Where’s Luke?”
“Just missed him.” I grinned at the irony. “He’s looking for an opener.”
“Seek and ye shall find.” Rosie handed it to me.
I removed the metal wrapper and started opening the wine.
“I’ll do that.” Bea grabbed the corkscrew and bottle from my hands.
“What?” Surprised by the rough jerk, I gripped the bottle, worried it would drop in an exchange.
“You don’t know how to pull a cork.” Bea yanked harder, nearly wrenching the bottle from my hands.
What is this woman’s problem? Not letting go, I held tighter. “I’ve already start—”
“Give it to me!”