Page 7 of Kissing Kin
Well, now…cousin or date? Caught off-guard, I gazed into his eyes. “I don’t have any plans…” I shrugged. “Sure.”
“Great.” He flashed an easy smile. “Meet you at the front desk in a half hour.”
“Sounds good.” My pulse accelerating, I returned a cautious smile, excited at the prospect of seeing him again yet self-conscious and out of my element.
His broad back to me, he strode away in his tooled leather boots and thigh-hugging jeans. Then just before shutting the door, he turned and caught my gaze.
The heat rose to my cheeks as my blood pressure spiked.
“Cousins, huh?” Her eyes twinkling, Mamie chuckled while she pointed to the X and handed me the pen. “Sign here.”
“Third cousins…by adoption.” Uncomfortable at being caught flirting, I mumbled. “We just met this afternoon.”
“What a coincidence…”
I shook my head at the woman’s ironic tone. “Everything happens for a reason.”
“Whatever the reason, you couldn’t meet a nicer guy.”
“Really?” My ears perked. “How do you know Luke?”
“We’ve met at Chamber of Commerce meetings.” Mamie’s smile warmed. “He’s got a head on his shoulders.”
“Chamber of Commerce…so he owns a busin—”
“It’s a blizzard—not flurries!” The door opened, and a couple burst inside, along with a blast of frigid air. “I’m not driving twenty-four miles through the mountains. In. The. Snow!”
“We have reservations.” The woman slammed the door. “In Alpine!”
“Do you have any rooms available?” The red-faced man turned toward Mamie.
“You’re in luck—one’s left.” After greeting the couple with a magnanimous smile, Mamie gave me a wink. “Excuse me.”
“No worries.” Carrying my box of journals, I crossed the hall into my room and nearly tripped as a red rubber ball rolled in my path.
Where’d that come from? I glanced up and down the hall but saw no children or open doors. I toed the ball against the wall, pushed open the room’s door, and flipped on the lights.
In addition to the high, pressed-tin ceiling, the room sported tall windows, draped with pleated, double-layered fabric that faced the town’s main street.
Snug inside the room, I peeked at the swirling snow outdoors. Then I set the box on the Victorian desk as I eyed the two sumptuous queen beds, swathed in bleached white linen.
Undressing, I stepped into the contemporary bath, its fixtures updated, except for the vintage pedestal sink. And after a quick shower, I caught myself smiling in the mirror as I slipped on jeans and an angora-wool sweater. What’ll tonight bring?
Chapter 2
A good night to stay home. Second-guessing himself, Luke blew on his hands, warming them as he entered the hotel lobby.
Then Maeve stepped into the hall. With the soft blue sweater clinging to her silhouette like contour feathers, she was as eye-catching as an indigo bunting.
He caught his breath, reminded of why he’d ventured out in the storm. “Good timing.”
“Hey.” Her smile lit up the lobby. “Been waiting long?”
“Just got here.” He shook his head as his gaze swept her from head to toe. “But I wouldn’t have minded waiting an hour. You look terrific.”
“Thanks.” Blushing, she tilted her head in a shy smile.
Good looking but doesn’t know it. His gaze lingered, and the pause lengthened. Then the puffy vest on her arm registered. “Let me help you with your jacket.”