Page 93 of Kissing Kin
“Ready for some more ‘good’ news.” His tone tongue-in-cheek, he wrinkled his nose.
“Now what?” I took a deep breath, bracing myself.
“The supplier texted that the countertop is delayed.”
“So much for completing the tasting room early.” His mouth twisted. “If we don’t have a bar, why bother opening an outdoor tasting room?”
Like a tire deflating, my disappointment rushed out with a sigh. “All your work to finish the patio early. I’m sorry about the timing, but this is a temporary setback, just until the countertop’s delivered.” I shook his shoulder, then forced a smile. “In the meantime, we can enjoy it—maybe have our meals there. In fact, I picked the first loquats for tonight’s dinner.”
“The first fruits.” His lips twitched in a wry smile.
As I recalled our kiss, a shudder slid down my spine. We’re the fruit of Marianna and Mateo’s love…I took a deep breath, refocusing. “Since it’s my turn to cook, I thought we could eat al fresca and celebrate spring with a chicken with honey-loquat glaze.”
“It’s a date.”
Is it?
That evening, as we finished dinner on the new patio, a high-pitched whine broke the stillness.
My ears perking, I scanned the vineyard.
A small mound of dried grass and burrs barked.
“Teddy?” I ran to meet him.
A chewed-through rope hung from his bleeding neck, so tight, it had rubbed off his fur and chafed his skin raw.
“Teddy, what did she do to you?” As I picked him up, he fell against my chest, exhausted.
“If I had any qualms about suing Bea before, I don’t anymore.” Luke shook his head as he tried to loosen the rope. “I’ll need scissors to cut through.”
“Let’s take him to the cabin. His food and water bowls are there.”
Five minutes later, Luke cut off the rope as I placed his water bowl near him.
Not stopping to breathe, the dog drank it dry.
“He’s dehydrated.” Bea for bitch. I refilled the bowl, set it down, and opened a can of dog food. “Teddy, how could she do this to you?”
The phone’s bleat jarred me from a sound sleep, and I glimpsed Caller ID through a fuzzy haze. Cody? My eyes snapped open as past emotions wrestled with common sense. On the fourth ring, curiosity prevailed. “Hey.”
“Was hoping you’d pick up.”
His voice brought back warm memories, quickly followed by resentment. “I thought you were in Afghanistan.”
“I was…”
“My division was part of the troop withdrawal.”
The irony. I curled my lip. “Being deployed was your excuse to break up. Now you’re back.”