Page 10 of Shoot Your Shot
“His younger brother’s weddingunsettled him and he’s re-examining his life, and I told him asmuch. Whatever he’s going through has nothing to do with me, but heseems convinced that us getting together is the right call.”
“Did you tell him what you toldme?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Before or after you had sex?”
“Uhm, before.”
“What about after?”
“He seemed to be in a good mood,talkative, but I couldn’t listen. I just wanted him to leave. Ifelt so … cornered.”
“He didn’t stay over?”
“No. He wanted to, but I lied andsaid I had to get up early, then pretty much shoved him out thedoor. And that’s when I texted you about coming over today.”
Liz raises an eyebrow. “So, howexactly did you leave things?”
“I’m not sure and I’m too afraidto ask.”
“Did he call or text?”
“No idea. I blocked him.”
Liz’s eyes widen before she burstsinto laughter.
I smile wryly and bring the beerbottle to my lips. “I’m glad you find my tales of emotional strifeso amusing.”
“You weirdo,” she finally speaks.“The guy opens up a little after three years, and you kick him outand block his number.”
“Hey!” I pretend to be offendedbecause she’s not wrong. “It’s only temporary, until I figure outwhat to do.”
“Look, I get it,” Liz says. “Youdon’t actually trust him. Because of your own shit, but alsobecause of everything else that you know about him, including howhe’s most recently behaved toward you.” She leans toward me andputs a hand on my knee. “Honey, I really want you to be happy. Iknow deep down you don’t really believe it’s in the cards for you,and I think you tend to sabotage yourself and waste time on thesecasual relationships that just reinforce your idea that there’s noone out there who could appreciate you for you. But that’s yourshit to deal with and I believe you will, when you’re good andready.
“You think you owe this guyconsideration because he graced you with some attention that heshould’ve been giving you from the start. You don’t. You don’t owehim anything. He can stay blocked for all I care.
“But trust your gut. If it’stelling you that this guy’s newfound possessiveness is bad news,then Dave needs to be out of your life for good. And remember, youdon’t owe him shit.”
Now it’s me who jumps up andsmothers Liz in a hug. “Thank you,” I whisper, and she pats me onthe back. My chest feels tight and I am embarrassingly close toshedding tears. Being seen so completely, the way Liz sees me, isall I’ve ever wanted, yet it is always too much when it happens.Liz knows this, so she doesn’t bring me to the edge of tearswithout a good reason.
“Wow. What did I miss?” Joe isback with a couple of light-gray propane tanks, one in eachhand.
“We were gossiping about yourmediocre barbecuing skills,” I say as I sit back down and reach formy nearly empty beer.
He grins. “Well, now I know you’rejust lying.” He puts down the tanks, and his eyes fall to my beer,then his wife’s. “You ladies want another round?”
“Yes, please,” Liz coos. “Thankyou, baby.” Joe blows her a kiss and goes back inside.
She and I sit in silence for a fewmoments, finishing our drinks, when my phone vibrates.
Unknown number: Hey Roxie, thisis Chris. Just making sure you have my number too
I smile and quickly make a newcontact for him.
Roxie: Hey there. How’s the newapartment?
Chris: Pretty good. I don’thave all the furniture yet. Need to go shopping