Page 3 of Shoot Your Shot
By the end of the fall semester,it was clear my knee would never be 100% again. My career as aDivision 1 power forward was over, and so was my dream of playingin the WNBA.
After weeks of anguish, I decidedto quit the team rather than forever warm the bench. To that, Coachsaid I could keep the scholarship through the spring semester, butnot beyond. When seeing my former teammates every day becameunbearable, I moved out of the athletic dorms and into a subletwith Amy, whose old roommate had left her high and dry.
Amy and I ended up living togetherall the way to graduation. Even though we were never very close, Iliked and admired her. She was a business major, ambitious andsharp, in contrast to her appearance, which was girly and soft.People tended to underestimate Amy at their own peril.
She and Chris were already datingwhen I moved in with her. He was around all spring, and then shebroke it off. I admit I never understood how they’d gotten togetherin the first place. With his geeky vibe, all bedhead and lankylimbs, Chris was very different from Amy and from her subsequentboyfriends, who were all versions of Brad, hunky and confident.
I sometimes thought about reachingout to see how Chris was doing, but I never did. I was just hisex-girlfriend’s roommate. We weren’t really friends.
My phone vibrates in mypocket.
Dave: You free tonight?
I sigh. Dave. Do I want tosee him tonight? It’s been a couple of weeks.
I was planning to go to the gym,but I suppose I could get laid instead.
My whole body revs up at thethought. Yes, getting laid is exactly what I need.
Roxie: Sure. Wanna comeover?
Dave: Yeah. Should we grab somefood first?
Roxie: I could order somepizza
Dave: Pizza sounds perfect.What time?
Roxie: Gimme half an hour orso. Let’s say 8
Dave: Great! Looking forward toit
Ugh. Dave’s been giving mea strange vibe lately. He used to be all business via text, but nowhe sounds … enthusiastic? Needy? Something feels off, but maybe I’mimagining it.
He and I have been doing thiswhole fuck-buddy thing for about three years. We don’t havefantastic chemistry, but he looks good and we know each other’slikes and dislikes, so I can usually count on him for an orgasm ortwo. It’s time-efficient, effective, and not messy. It’s anarrangement I can control.
My mind wanders back to Chris, andI decide it’s a good thing to have someone familiar in the buildingnow that Liz and Joe are gone. I should offer to help him getsettled. I jot down my apartment and phone numbers, put on myCrocs, and set out to 3F. I’ll just drop this off, order pizza, andget in a quick shower before Dave arrives.
Back at my new place, I toss thekeys and mail on the kitchen island, and plop on one of thebarstools.
Damn. Roxie Nowak, of allpeople.
She looks great. Always did,although I don’t think she knew or cared that she did. She isstriking, tall and athletic, with thick and wavy dark brown hair.Today might be the first time I’ve ever seen it styled and not insome sort of bird’s nest formation, the way she wore it in college.She has sharp facial features, with high cheekbones and a long thinnose, and hazel eyes that she rolls with dramatic flair. I catchmyself smiling.
There are three knocks on my door,quick and forceful. Puzzling, because I don’t expect anyone.
It’s Roxie. Speak of thedevil.
I sometimes forget we’re the sameheight, and, at 6’2”, I am not a short man. Her eyes are level withmine and there’s an intensity to her gaze—I don’t think she meansanything by it, that’s just how she is—but being observed sointently and so head on is not something I’ve experienced with anyother woman. It makes me feel exposed.
She’s still wearing what I assumeare her work clothes—a black top and nice jeans that accentuate herhips and long legs.