Page 34 of Shoot Your Shot
Roxie: Btw I watched a ton ofbasketball last night, and it was divine
Roxie: Thank you for nudgingme. I felt like my old self again for the first time inforever
Chris: I’m so happy to hearthat
Roxie: It was very good to seeyou last night
Chris: You too
Let me know when you want to hang.And, again, if you need anything
Roxie: Will do. Have a goodweekend
Chris: You too
Chris has been in a bad mood allweek. He talks less than usual and is lost in thought.
“What’s going on with you?” Ifinally ask. “You haven’t laughed once at my stupid puns.”
Chris smiles, absentmindedlypetting a purring Scylla, who is spread across his lap. “I’m flyingout to see my folks this weekend.”
“Oh.” He doesn’t really mentionhis parents, so this is very new. “Are you saying I should wateryour plants and feed your pets?”
He rolls his eyes. “Very funny.The only living organism at my place is that box of takeout weshared three weeks ago, and I’m now too curious to throw it out. Itshould achieve sentience any day now.”
I chuckle.
“I’m just letting you know becausewe are friends and neighbors, and so your cats don’t think I’msuddenly avoiding them.” He gazes lovingly at the sleepingScylla.
“Say no more,” I say. “I will takegood care of them in your absence.”
I let a few moments pass insilence.
“So how is it when you visit?” Isit fun?” I ask.
He lets out a fake, painedchuckle. “Uhm, no. I cannot remember a time in my life when Iassociated fun with my parents’ house.” He puts his head in hishands and shakes it, like he wants to get rid of a bad thought. “Iam sorry, that’s a terrible thing to say. But being there alwaysmakes me feel like a kid, which means lonely and helpless.”
I stare at him.
“I hate visiting home, in casethat isn’t clear.” He smiles weakly, looking positivelytormented.
“So why do you go?”
“It’s what you’re supposed to do.They’re the only family I have. Do you like visiting yourfolks?”
“To be completely honest, no.” Ishrug. “I don’t feel alone, but I do feel pretty shitty when I seethem. So I do it as little as possible.”
“I’m sorry.”
“All I’m saying is you don’t haveto visit your parents if you don’t want to.”