Page 36 of Shoot Your Shot
“Wow. Why?”
This is mortifying. I can’t bearto even glance at her, so I keep my eyes focused on the road. “Ihate how I am around my parents,” I say. “I turn into this patheticwimp. I don’t want you to think less of me because of ourvisit.”
“I promise I won’t.” She pats myshoulder. “I already think you’re lower than dirt, so you’re safe,”she adds with a grin.
“Seriously. Your opinion means alot to me.”
She takes my hand and squeezes it.“You have nothing to worry about. I promise. I am here for you,whatever you need.”
I squeeze her hand back and westay like that for the rest of the ride. Thank God for automatictransmission.
Roxie’s eyes widen at the sight ofmy parents’ house. “Holy shit—your family’s loaded! Maybe Ishould’ve let you pay for my airfare.”
“You should’ve. But them beingloaded doesn’t have much to do with me. Hasn’t in a long time.”
“Will there be a butler coming outto greet us?” She grunts as she retrieves her luggage from thetrunk.
“Nope, but we do have ahousekeeper and a cook.”
“Remind me never to take you to myfolks’ place.”
“I bet I would love it.”
“You really would, wouldn’t you?”She looks me in the eye. “You’re, like, the least conceited personI’ve ever met.”
I shrug and smile, then offer tocarry her luggage, to which she stares me down because sheconsiders my chivalry ridiculous. We walk up the sizable stairwayfrom the street to the house, and I ring the bell.
My dad opens the door. “Chris!” Helooks delighted to see me, and for a moment it seems he’s about togive me a hug—something he never does—but he stops himself andretreats. “I’m glad you could make it,” he says, then turns hisattention to my friend. “And who might this be?”
“Dad, this is Roxie. Roxie, thisis my father, Donald.”
“How do you do,” she smiles andshakes his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Roxie. Is itshort for Roxanne?”
“Correct. My father was a big fanof The Police. He’d also envisioned a future of sex work forme.”
The expression of shock on Dad’sface is priceless.
“I’m just messing with you,Donald,” Roxie says with a chuckle. “I was named after my grandmaon my mom’s side, Roxana. But my dad was a big fan of ThePolice.”
Dad laughs, pressing his hand onhis chest in relief. “Well, aren’t you something! It’s a pleasureto meet you. Welcome!” He motions us inside, and yells toward theinterior of the house. “Chris is here. He brought a girl!”
There is nothing coming from thehouse, which doesn’t surprise me.
“Mom is at the studio,” Dad says,then turns to Roxie. “Chris had never brought a girl home before.Never! I was certain he was gay.”
She’s taken aback. I try to lookcalm and amused, even though I feel embarrassed and helpless, justlike I felt most of the time growing up in this house.
“Let’s get you settled,” Dad says.“Do you two want to stay in Chris’s room—it has a very small bed,twin size—or do you want to stay in the guest bedroom?”
“Um, Roxie and I are just—”
But Roxie grabs my hand andsqueezes. “We’ll take the room with the bigger bed, thank you.”
Dad nods and takes Roxie’ssuitcase. “Son, I thought I’d taught you better than to let a ladycarry her own luggage.”