Page 47 of Shoot Your Shot
I prop myself up on straightenedarms. She unfurls her feet, sets them flat on the bed. I have alarger range of motion now and there is more distance betweenus.
“Is this better?” I ask.
Her eyes look panicked and fiery,and also somehow lost. My gut twists.
“Hold on.” I slide a handunderneath her ass and roll her on top of me, never leaving herinsides. “Does this feel better?”
She straddles me, our faces closeto each other, hidden under the curtain of her hair on one side.The light comes in from the window and illuminates her uncoveredcheek, and I see the upward curl of her mouth when she whispers,“Yeah. This is perfect.”
“Whatever you need,” I say as Ipush aside a wet lock of her hair.
I feel a little hurt that shewants the distance, but she doesn’t sit up or move away from me. Irealize she doesn’t want distance, just a little more control. Herbreasts rub against my chest as she kisses me, keeps kissing me allover my face, and I wrap my arms around her, holding her close. Sherolls her hips, first in a rhythm that’s neither fast nor slow,then she picks up the pace until we’re both breathing fast, and Ifeel surrounded by her almost as much as before, and it’s arousingand comforting and it’s just perfect, and before long the pressurebuilds at the base of my cock.
“This feels really reallygood,” I say. “But I don’t wanna leave you hanging.”
“I’m … so close, Chris… Just… Aah.Gimme a second.”
She rubs herself against the baseof my shaft, and I slide my hands down to the swell of her ass. Therougher my fingers, the deeper her moan, and I know I’m on theright track. I increase the pressure, I’m positively clawing at hernow, and my teeth are marking her lip, her tongue.
Her moan becomes a sob. She likesa little pain to get her over the edge.
“Yes, Chris, yes, that’s it… Oh,God. Yes!”
I spread apart her ass cheeks,stretching the swollen flesh between them, and I bury my nailswithin. I dig my heels into the bed, desperately seeking someleverage so I can thrust upward, into the stretched grinding pussy.With my mouth, I reach up to find the underside of her chin, whereI kiss and lick and nibble along her jaw, all the way up to theearlobe… And then I bite.
She screams and jolts up into asitting position, curving backward, and I slide one of my handsbeneath her pelvis and pinch her clit between my index and middlefingers, and I rub, while I thrust up into her with all Ihave—once, twice, as best I can given my pitiful leverage in thisbed—when she stiffens and shudders and lets out a long pained wail,and I feel her pulsating around me, her eyes closed, her headthrown back. This is the first time I see her face when she’scompletely gone, and it’s a sight I will never forget. I grab herwaist to steady her as she rides out the tides of her orgasm.
As she comes down, she smiles, abig relaxed satisfied smile, then she leans down, over me, proppingherself on her hands on either side of my head. She keeps grinding,completely focused on me now, looking down at my face withoverwhelming tenderness. I relax and run my hands up and down herspine, over her arms, along her neck and her breasts, enjoying thesight of her dark nipples swaying over my chest, her hair grazingmy face. I trust she’ll take care of me, and she does. She keepssmiling and bucking, and within moments I feel the extra tighteningin my cock while she whispers, “I can feel you getting super hard.”I can only nod as I stiffen underneath her, giving her tinyinvoluntary thrusts to meet her grinding hips, as the whole worldfocuses into the point where we’re joined, and then my mind goesblank, waves of hot pleasure surging through my groin as I emptymyself into her.
She gives me a soft, tender kisswith her lips alone, and then she straightens, sliding one handbetween her pussy and the base of my cock to hold the condom inplace while she dismounts. Then she plops on her side right next tome.
I’m lying on my back, one handunder my head, cock softening inside the condom, and I know Ishould get to the bathroom, but I don’t want to.
“Shh.” She places her index fingeracross my lips. “I know. I know.”
She repositions until her head isin the crook of my armpit, and she takes a whiff. “You smellincredible,” she says, then she tucks her hands under her cheek andcloses her eyes.
I look at her relaxed face and Ireach out to stroke her hair. There is a giant ball of something inmy throat, and I am relieved that she doesn’t seem to want to talk.In fact, her breaths grow slower and deeper.
I go to the bathroom, get rid ofthe condom, and sit on the toilet with my head in my hands. I feellike someone just cracked my chest open with an ax, because all theemotions are pouring out.
Chapter Sixteen
I wake up at 4:00 AM and startinternally cursing, only to realize I’m on the West Coast and itwould be 6:00 AM in Madison, exactly the time I would usually wakeup to get ready for work. Chris is asleep on his stomach, elbowssticking out to the side, just a little bit of fabric around hiships, and I feel the urge to bite him on that tight, muscular,delicious ass, but, alas, I must leave him alone because he’sasleep.
I try not to wake him as I get upand go to the bathroom. In the mirror, my hair is a tangled mess,but I look well fucked and positively glowing.
I pee for what feels like forever.Should’ve gone after round two last night, but it fried my brain,so I shut down and fell asleep.
I know I have trouble withintimacy, real intimacy, and this … this thing that Chris and Iseem to have right out of the gate… I felt my throat close at onemoment, I just couldn’t take the surge of emotion, the level ofconnection. I didn’t even know I could feel all that at once, thisneed to get closer, so much closer… And the passion and tendernessand openness… It all became too much. Thank God Chris understoodwhat I needed when he flipped us over, gave me back some control,so I didn’t feel so helpless, so much at his mercy. So much like Imight lose my mind.
I take my time in the shower.Water helps me re-center.
As I open the door into the darkroom, Chris is awake on his back, lit partly by the streetlights.He sits up in bed when he sees me, and his face, his beautifulmasculine face, turns hungry, his body taut.