Page 49 of Shoot Your Shot
He laughs. “Let me recover herefirst before you start plotting how to invade my ass. I think youmight’ve killed me with this. I can’t feel my legs.”
“That’s punishment for not lettingme suck you off two months ago. Or last night. Or when you got outof the shower this morning.”
“Come here,” he says and drags meonto the bed and into his arms. “You realize I’m never letting yougo now, right?”
“I get it. I give good head.” Ofcourse I try to make things light. My heart is beating fast and mymouth has gone dry. This is just too … everything.
“Seriously, Rox. You’re my bestfriend. And I want to fuck you every second I’m around you, andmost seconds when I’m not. I should marry you here and now, lock itdown before you come to your senses.”
I shove him. “Yeah, yeah. Veryfunny.” I try to get up, but he keeps me down.
He pinches my chin and turns myhead toward him. “I know you’re freaking out, but just for therecord, I’m not entirely joking.” He kisses me. “Tell me that youwon’t just drop me when we go back home.”
I sigh. “I’m not going to dropyou. But I… I don’t really do relationships.”
“You’re freaking out.”
“I am freaking out.” I situp on the bed and lower my feet to the floor, back turned to him.My breathing feels labored.
He rubs my back. “We don’t have tocall this thing anything right now.”
I look at him over my shoulder.“We don’t?”
“You’d be okay with that?” I turnhalfway toward him, one of my legs bent at the knee and resting onthe bed.
“Whatever you need,” he says as heputs his hand on that knee.
“So we can hang out like we didbut also fuck?”
“Absolutely.” He smiles andstrokes the inside of my thigh. “But we have to be exclusive. Isthat okay?”
I nod. “I don’t really want anyoneelse. Haven’t since you moved back to Madison.”
“Good. ‘Cause I don’t,either.”
“But we’re not boyfriend andgirlfriend?”
“Not if you don’t want us to be.Except for my parents. Mostly because they already think weare.”
“Okay, yeah, sure. So what do wetell Liz and Joe?”
“You can tell them exactly what weare. Or we don’t have to tell them anything. But we don’t have todecide right now.”
“Do we touch in public?”
“I’d like to cuddle with you heresince nobody knows us. What happens in San Diego stays in SanDiego. But when we go back, we don’t have to, if you don’t want to.But we could.”
“Okay. Yeah, that’s good.” I feelthe tension leaving my body. “Thanks, Chris. I really appreciateyou being so cool about it.” I lean over and I kiss his stupid hotmouth.
“Whatever you need, Rox,” he sayswith a weak smile. His words come out a little strangled, but Ipretend I don't hear it.
Because we’ve been up since 4:00AM, it’s still before 8:00 when we finally emerge from the bedroom.Chris says it’s too late for surfing, plus I think we’re both tooexhausted for it. I still want to go to the beach, but he says it’sbest to wait till the rush hour passes.
His father is at work and hismother in her studio. I swear I have no idea how Chris turned outto be such a wonderful, warm man, since his parents don’t seem togive two shits that he is home, but I soon get my answer. Thehousekeeper is here today, and she’s a tiny old woman named Ximena,who has worked for them for years. She seems to be the person he’shappiest to see and the one person genuinely glad that he’s back.Chris gives her the biggest hug, and she gives him a bunch ofkisses on his cheeks and forehead. The two of them chatter happilyin very fast Spanish. It kills me to see how much more relaxed heis around her than he is with either of his parents, especially hismom.