Page 5 of Shoot Your Shot
This is when I see a dude knockingon her door. He’s in his thirties, with shaggy jet-black hair and athick beard, wearing jeans and a nice leather jacket, and carryinga six-pack of beer. I can clearly see his profile, and how his facelights up when she opens the door to let him in.
There’s a painful tightening inthe pit of my stomach. I know what it is, but I refuse thisridiculous emotion. Of course she’s seeing someone. Why wouldn’tshe be seeing someone? I literally showed up out of nowheretoday.
I approach Roxie’s door as the guysteps inside. They’re not paying any attention to me, so I couldeasily walk past them unnoticed, but that knot in my gut is pullingat me, so I don’t.
“Hi, Rox!” I say cheerfully andwave as I stop at her open door.
They’re both startled. The guyraises an eyebrow, then looks at her. She peeks out from behind thedoor and gives me a small wave, accompanied by a somewhat quizzicallook. “Oh, hey, Chris.”
“I’m going to the gym,” I say,pointing toward the stairs with finger guns like an idiot, as ifit’s not obvious from my getup what I plan on doing.
She smiles. “Okay. Enjoy yourworkout. The gym downstairs is decent.” The guy’s eyes are drillinga hole in the side of her head.
“You two kids have fun,” I saywith a fake grin and walk away.
I hear the guy asking who I am. Hesounds irritated. Roxie answers that I’m a new neighbor from downthe hall, and there’s a hint of exasperation in her voice. Then shecloses the door, and I hear nothing else.
I pass by the elevator and thedoors open. It’s a pizza delivery guy. I bet I know where he’sgoing. My mood instantly darkens.
At the gym, I work out much harderthan I intended to, and I pretend, not very successfully, that Idon’t know why that is.
Chapter Three
As I close the door, Dave’s faceis all scrunched up. I don’t think I’d seen him this angrybefore.
“Who was that?” he asks.
“That’s Chris, my new neighbor. Hejust moved in.”
“You two seem prettyfriendly.”
“Well, you know me. I’m a friendlyperson.”
He shoots me a furious look. “Didyou sleep with him?”
“Excuse me?”
“Answer me. Did you sleep withhim?” He takes a step toward me. I’ve had Dave in my personal spacemany times before. This is different. Menacing.
I take a step back. “No, I didn’tsleep with him. He dated my college roommate. Happy?”
He sighs and nods, some of thetension leaving his shoulders.
“What the fuck, Dave? What’s withthis Neanderthal shit? You know you’re not my boyfriend, right?It’s none of your business who I sleep with.”
His eyes are fixed on me. Hedoesn’t answer.
“What?” I ask.
“Nothing.” He smiles. “You lookgood.”
“Thanks,” I manage to respond,irritation simmering beneath my skin. I take the six-pack into thekitchen and put it on the island.
There are several knocks on thedoor in rapid succession. Dave tenses up.
“Is that him?” he snarls.