Page 58 of Shoot Your Shot
We play for another fifteenminutes or so. I’m not in top shape so I’m getting tired, and I’mthirsty as hell and starting to feel hungry. I notice Chrisfidgeting on the bench, probably getting hungry, too.
He leans forward, elbows on hisknees. His forehead is scrunched up, and he looks intense, likehe’s about to jump up and call a timeout.
I say goodbye to my new friends.Darryl gives me a big hug.
My cheeks burn and my hair sticksout from my ponytail in every direction. I need another shower anda change of clothes, and Chris probably does, too.
But he’s all over me in theelevator, and when we get to my door, he presses his front againstmy back and slides his hands under my shirt.
“I’m all sweaty and gross,” Iprotest as he pulls my bra up, over my tits, and squeezes mynipples between his fingers. The sensation shoots straight to mypussy.
“I know. I love it,” he whispers.He licks the side of my neck from behind.
I unlock my door and we stumbleinside. Thankfully, the cats are nowhere to be found, likelynapping in my office slash spare bedroom. Chris shuts the doorbehind him with his foot, then immediately pulls off my top andunhooks my bra.
He nudges me toward the sofa. Hepresses down between my shoulder blades, so I lean over the armrestand place my chin and the front of my torso along the flat top ofthe backrest. Chris slides his hands down my arms, pulls them awayfrom my sides and lays them in front of my face, one on top of theother.
“Stay like that. Don’t move,” hesays.
My heart pounds as he slides mypants and underwear down over my butt, but only midway down thethighs. He leans over so his chest is flush with my back, one handbetween my thighs, which are kept together by the elastic of mypants. My face is turned to the side as I pant, feeling hisscorching breath on my neck and face. His hand slides along mycunt, in between the lips, and teases my clit.
“You are so hot,” he whispers intomy ear. “I loved watching you move. I loved seeing what this bodycan do. I had no idea how good you were.” He pushes a finger intomy pussy and I moan. “And how good you are now. How wet you get, sofast, when I do this.” He thrusts a couple of times with hisfinger, then brings a second one inside. “I never thought I couldget so turned on by watching a woman play basketball with a bunchof kids, but here we are.”
My breaths come heavy now,following the rhythm of his fingers.
“By the end, I wanted to fuck youon that bench in broad daylight,” he says.
I chuckle, but then I moan,because his fingers slide in and out, faster now, pressing hardagainst my front wall, thumb rubbing my clit. I am super turned on,and the adrenaline from the game is only helping.
“Fuck me, please,” I plead in awhiny, needy breath.
He kisses me on the cheek andlifts his body off mine. I imagine him pushing his sweatpants downjust enough to free his cock, and it takes only a moment, and thereit is, one hand flat on my bare ass, the other guiding the smoothhead of his cock, teasing my cunt, rubbing my clit.
“Chris…” I say and roll my hips ininvitation.
He chuckles softly because heknows I am impatient. He pushes inward smoothly, and it feelsperfect, nice and snug. I am terribly turned on, about to combustif he doesn’t start moving. He grasps my hips, and with my head tothe side I try to see his face but I can’t, just an arm flexing inthe same rhythm as the slow, tentative pumps he’s giving me rightnow.
I reach back and squeeze one ofthe hands that are gripping my ass.
“Fuck me. Please,” I say. “I wantall of you.”
For a moment he’s still, like he’sprocessing what I’ve said.
“Roxie…” he whispers, and there’sa tremble in his voice that I’d never heard before. His hands leavemy hips and slide all over my arms, back, between my shoulderblades, down my sides, rubbing, exploring, like he’s trying tocommit everything to memory. “I want all of you, too. You have noidea…”
I roll my hips gently and, as ifawakened from a trance, he straightens and fucks me neither fastnor slow, with deep strokes, where on the pull out I fear he willfall out but he never does, me lying on top of the sofa backrest,and I focus on the dick that’s igniting the nerves in the front ofmy cunt, and on the moans of the man behind me whose sounds arealready so familiar but somehow still a mystery. He keeps saying myname Roxie Roxie so softly I’m not sure he’s aware he’sdoing it. I focus on the sensation, there’s no part of my bodyexisting except my pussy, tight around Chris’s pistoning cock, andthere’s something to be said for just relaxing and letting myselfbe railed, the orgasm building surely, confidently, exactly the wayChris fucks me. I feel so connected with him even though I can’tsee his face, and it’s amazing with all the sex I’ve ever had, noneof it comes close to the feeling of contentment, that this isexactly how it’s supposed to be, the way my whole body trusts Christhat he will give it, give me, what I crave.
I’m whimpering now, the backs ofmy legs and my ass tightening, recognizing impending release. Ipull up on my elbows and push back against his thrusts withabandon. He grunts and keeps his rhythm, and soon the orgasm eruptsfrom my center and spreads throughout my body. I know I’m makingsome sounds, but I don’t care what they are, I just want to stayhere with him as long as I can.
“This is the best feeling ever,”he says, his breath ragged. “You, clenching around me.”
He speeds up and his pumps growmore erratic. He’s louder now, his fingers ripping into my ass likehe’s trying to tear off chunks of flesh. Soon he jerks andstiffens, curse words accompanying the last few jolts as hecomes.
A few moments pass with nothingbut our heavy breaths punctuating the silence.
“You make me really happy, too,”he says as he leans forward, his chest pressing on my back.“Happier than I’ve ever been. It’s not even close.”