Page 64 of Shoot Your Shot
That what we have isn’t real, thatit’s all in my head.
That the harder I fall for her,the more likely she is to just drop me.
That she doesn’t feel anything forme, because she didn’t feel anything for him.
I didn’t sleep a wink last night.I could barely focus at work today. I went for a run this morning,then again at lunch, and I still feel unsettled and jumpy, with adark electricity coursing through my body.
“I saw Dave yesterday,” I blurtout.
She stops mid-bite. “Dave?”
“Your Dave.” It actuallyhurts to say it. “The guy who was outside your apartment when wewent furniture shopping.”
“Oh.” Her eyebrows flicker, butshe resumes chewing. “I’m surprised you remembered him. Where didyou see him?”
“In the restroom atLombardino’s.”
“I suppose that makes sense. Heworks at the UW Hospital. Did you go to lunch there?”
“Yes, with some coworkers. Lyletook us all out to eat to welcome a new person, Denise.”
“Oh, cool,” she says and shovelsanother forkful of rice and curry into her mouth.
I am irritated that she doesn’tseem to want to talk about the guy. “Aren’t you curious aboutDave?”
She shrugs. “Not particularly.Why?”
“He was on a lunch date.”
She smiles. “Let me guess … blondeand petite?”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“That’s his actual type. But goodfor him, I suppose.”
“We had an interesting chat.”
“You two actually talked? Ithought you’d just seen him from afar.”
“Oh, we talked.”
She raises one eyebrow. “Thatmust’ve been weird.”
“He had a lot to say aboutyou.”
She rolls her eyes. “I canimagine.”
“Actually, he wanted to warn me tostay away from you.”
She leans back in her chair andcrosses her arms. “Oh, really? And why is that?”
“He said you two were together forthree years—”
“That’s not true,” she interrupts.“We were never together.”
“That as soon as he told you hewanted something serious, you cut things off. Removed him from yourlife completely.”
“That is actually true. Butnot in the way he makes it sound.”