Page 7 of Shoot Your Shot
I sigh and lean forward to placethe beer on the coffee table. Time to get serious.
“How many times have you pausedour fuck-buddy arrangement so you could date other women?”
He blinks. “Um, I don’t know.”
“Ballpark it.”
His eyes move around as he triesto remember. “Uh. Three. Four?”
“That’s correct. Four. Fourwomen you wanted to explore a serious relationship with, all ofwhom you liked more than me for that.”
He looks uncomfortable. “I’msorry.”
I put my hand up. “Oh, no, don’tbe sorry. I’m just reminding you that there are a bunch of girlsyou should probably ask to be your plus one before you ask me.”
“You never paused our littlearrangement.”
“I didn’t, because I didn’t wantto date anyone in the intervening years.”
“However,” I continue, “thatdoesn’t mean I didn’t sleep with anyone else.”
He stiffens. “You never told methat.”
“You never asked. You just assumedI wouldn’t, even though you and I have always been casual.” I raisemy bottle like I’m giving a toast. “You also never asked me whatkind of beer I like. You just buy whatever you drink.”
He sits up, his back ramrodstraight, and keeps blinking.
“Is all this blowing your mind alittle?” I ask as I press the bottle to my lips and take a sip.
He smiles weakly and nods.
“Let me guess. You thought I’vebeen secretly pining after you all this time, that you couldbasically decide to pick me at any point and I would be happy tohave you?”
He frowns. “That makes me soundlike an asshole.”
“Yes, it does.”
Dave sets down his beer and pizzaand walks through the narrow space between the sofa and the coffeetable toward my armchair. He takes the beer from my hands andplaces it on the table, too.
Then he kneels down beside me,takes my head in his hands and kisses me softly. It is filled withmore emotion than I’ve ever received from him, and it’s confusingand alarming. I don’t know what to do with Dave’s feelings. I’venever had to deal with them. This is new territory, and my mindspins with panic, as he alternates between lightly sucking each lipand teasing them both with the tip of his tongue. Then his grasp onme tightens, and he moves one hand from my cheek onto my jawline,the other to the back of my head. He pulls me closer, his tongueparting my lips, demanding that I open my mouth and let him inside,and I do. All of this, from Dave, is surprising.
I slide down the armchair and ontothe floor, next to him. We’re both kneeling now, front to front,and I put my arms around him, palms flat on his back, feeling thefamiliar movement of his muscles beneath the clothes.
He lowers his hand and settles iton my waist. He presses me to him, and I can feel his dick againstmy crotch. He licks and nibbles on my lips, and my nipples tingleas heat pools between my legs. I move my hand to the front, slideit into his pants, and stroke his dick through his boxers. I’m notvery gentle, because that’s what he likes.
Despite the thickening haze, thereare alarms going off in my mind. I realize he’s asking things ofme, things that I cannot give him, even though, somewhere deepwithin, a tiny piece of me wishes I could. But what I can dois fuck him because he’s Dave and I know his body.
I feel his lips stretch into asmile when I slide my hands down his back and onto his ass and giveit a full, double-handed squeeze. My left hand slips into his backpocket, where he usually keeps some condoms. I pull them out andtoss them onto the armchair to my left. He breaks the kiss for asecond and looks me in the eye, asking silently if this willcontinue, and I nod. It is a small nod, but big enough for him toplunge back into my mouth, grasping me with an intensity that’s newand disorienting.
One of his hands holds me tight bythe back of the neck, like he can’t give me a fraction of an inchlest I flee. His other hand is under my shirt, squeezing andtwisting my breast through the bra. It is a bit painful butdelightful, and little surges of arousal shoot directly to mypussy.
I unbutton his shirt and slide itdown his arms, then pull away because I want to look at him. He hasa nice body, strong and toned, with a little padding, the kind ofbody you get from going to the gym and playing sports with friends,but also enjoying beer and pizza. He is hairier than average, whichsome women don’t like, but I really do. I run my hands up and downhis torso, its topography familiar, but today I feel like I shouldreally try to commit the details to memory. His chest rises andfalls rapidly as he briefly lets me explore him, but it’s clear hewants to keep going.
I move my hands from his chestdown to his jeans, unzip them, then continue into his boxers. Ipull them down a bit, expose much of his hard cock, curl my fingersaround it, and give it a couple of pumps. I can hear his breathcatch, and I know what I want to do.
I lean forward and whisper intohis ear, “I wanna suck you off.”